Psimantic Powers

Magic, at least in game terms, is the alteration of probabilities to achieve effects that, while seemingly impossible, are in fact merely highly improbable. Psionics which manipulate the forces of magic are known as psimantic powers, and the wielders of such are called psychoturges. Using these powers, a psychoturge can control magic spells, tinker with probabilities, and perform additional incredible tasks.

Arts of the psimantic sort consist of a wide array of abilities that alter reality itself! This involves the actual casting and duplication of magical spells at the most basic level, but allows for a more direct interaction with raw magical potential. This interaction involves the manipulation of probabilities on a scale that can change the very course of causality.

Psimantic talents are a lot more down to earth, not quite concerned with changing the essence of the past, present, or future so much as specific aspects of the universe. A majority of such powers involve the manipulation of various properties of magic, either modifying the very form it manifests in, the target of magic spells, or even the emission of raw, unshaped Probability Fallout!

Skills in the psimantic discipline mirror those in others, providing those who study them a wide variety of useful capabilities revolving around forces of a mystical nature. These skills give one the ability to sense ambient magic in the environment, along with a laundry list of powers which are designed to either enhance, curtail, or disguise its usage in the world around the psychoturge.

The following is a summary of all thirty-six known psimantic powers, all heaped onto this singular document for your convenience. The idea is to create a clearing house of sorts for these rule-taxing capabilities, such that a player building a psychoturge, or another psi who makes use of this discipline, can contemplate them as a whole... without the other eight disciplines interrupting his or her thought processes.



Antimagic Generation
Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank

Antimagic is a curious, normalizing phenomenon which acts to prevent spellcasters from manipulating the probabilities around them that allow magic to manifest. When cast into the environment, antimagic may be used to inflict power rank Sorcerous damage, damage which carries an Armor Piercing component against magical defenses - since antimagic is the natural opposite of all magical abilities.

Furthermore, a character struck with antimagic must pass a Psyche ACTION against the antimagic damage suffered or lose the ability to wield magic, for up to 1d10 turns after exposure to the stuff. Antimagic is thus a favorite form of attack for those who dislike sorcerers and their ilk, as it may weaken them enough that mundane foes can make short work of them - either due to the direct damage antimagic causes or its side effects.

This negation effect cuts both ways. While generating antimagic, a character cannot wield any sorcery of his or her own. Any spell the antimagician is currently maintaining is negated upon using this power. On the other hand, a clever use of this limitation is to negate the effects of other magic wielded against oneself by making use of this ability after being subject to hostile sorcery.

Antimagic generation functions within Near distance of its wielder.


Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank

Buttress is a power with which one can nurture the capabilities of others. While active, buttress creates a field of favorable probabilities around its possessor, one which extends out within Near distance of their person. This field can apply beneficial Column Shifts to rolls attempted by those they consider allies. These rolls can take the form of any ACTION, including Resources and Popularity checks!

However, this bolstering of probabilities comes with a cost. For each positive Column Shift the character with buttress grants their compatriots, they in turn suffer two negative Column Shifts applied to every action they attempt. This penalty is incurred whether one is dodging attacks, making an Endurance check against a Kill? result, or rolling the ACTION necessary to maintain this ability, which is required every turn.

It is important to note that one cannot benefit from another occurrence of the buttress power while wielding it themselves. The warping of probabilities that buttress utilizes to produce its unique effect is extremely complicated and delicate, and attempting to add a second (or more!) source of such manipulation ultimately causes overlapping buttress fields to cancel each other out.

Overall, buttress is an ability fraught with peril. On the one hand, buttress greatly strengthens the efforts of one's teammates, while on the other it makes its wielder particularly vulnerable to the efforts of their enemies. Those who can balance out the positives and negatives of buttress are often vital members of whatever group they happen to belong to, not to mention the cause(s) they champion the most!


Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank

This is the root ability of the psimantic discipline of power.

Casting is the psionic ability to wield spells. When this power is mastered, its possessor acquires the instinctive ability to shape probabilities such that he or she can reliably reproduce magical effects. This includes a natural affinity to one of the known schools of magic (even if the eclectic non-school of magic is chosen), which the character may study in addition to their psionic efforts.

When this ability is first acquired, then, the character with casting will also know one spell from his or her chosen school of magic. Though this power unlocks the ability to cast spells as well as access to one's chosen school of magic, its possessor usually has to locate a mystic tutor to fully take advantage of it, lest they suffer the penalties for going without one. Luckily, most psimantic upsilons can fill this role, as well.

While casting allows the use of magic by its possessor, it also limits him or her somewhat. A psychoturge may not cast spells at a rank greater than their casting intensity. To improve his or her mystic prowess, they must first increase the rank of this psimantic art. This is a relatively small price to pay for the ability to pursue two distinct paths of power, however.

Causality Control
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 4 points per rank

Causality control is the power to manipulate reality itself! The power works by giving its possessor the ability to simulate, at its own intensity, any other super-human skill that has the word 'control' in its name. Thus, the character with causality control is capable of anything ranging from fire control to mind control to time control, whenever they see fit - depending on their mastery of this power, that is.

When one first acquires this power, they can manifest any one of these control effects of their choice - but only one. For instance, let us assume that Big Bang Boris picked up this power after the Chernobyl incident back in the 1980s. Wishing the radiation around him would 'go away', and then watching it happen before his very eyes, Big Bang Boris got the notion that he had developed radiation control.

Once a character realizes that he or she has this ability, and not some 'lesser' control power, they can develop additional controls as power stunts - one for each control. Thanks to freak happenstance, Big Bang Boris got the idea in his head that he was more than just a radiation controller, and attempted to bend various other forms of energy to his will. And, since he was correct, he eventually developed a large array of new powers!

There is no limit to the amount of different and disparate control abilities one can manifest through causality control - it simply requires one develop the power to gain even more. Big Bang Boris, in time, managed to ultimately master twelve different control powers, allowing him to manipulate almost every aspect of his environment. Hence his code name: he thought himself capable of creating entire universes!

In a similar vein, when one first acquires causality control, he or she can only exert one form of control at a given point in time. Since the character only knows one such control to begin with, this isn't a big deal initially. However, they can expand their control over causality in a like fashion, developing the ability to maintain more than one variety simultaneously as a power stunt - one for each concurrent 'power' added.

But how many facets of causality can one manipulate at once, you wonder? This is determined as is the case for the maintenance of spells or psionics. Each control that the possessor of causality control wields against the universe counts as one 'maintained' power, and is ultimately constrained by the character's Reason (mem) score - which determines how many concurrent things one can concentrate on.

Looking at Big Bang Boris one more time, it was known that he could only control one aspect of the world around himself to begin with, and his opponents took advantage of this 'weakness' by overwhelming him with multiple attack forms at once. Tiring of this, Big Bang Boris worked hard to resolve this deficiency (such as it is) by first mastering the use of two simultaneous controls... and then finally three.

With an Excellent (20) ranked Reason (mem) score, that's about all he can hope to manage... unless he ever gets smarter!

Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: while maintained (for each contingency)
Cost: 2 points per rank

On occasion, a spell caster may wish to benefit from his or her magical prowess while not actually having the ability to cast spells. By making use of a contingency, they can make this happen no matter what situation they find themselves in. This works by first invoking contingency, and then the spell one wishes to hold 'in reserve'. The contingency ability will then prevent the spell from taking effect.

At least, until a specific condition is met.

This condition may be anything the thaumaturge or psychoturge wishes, from being forced unconscious to a specific time of day, or perhaps upon exposure to any particular external stimuli. For instance, a mage may arrange to be teleported to their lair upon being knocked unconscious, to give off an eldritch wave when uttering a chosen word, or even a dose of flight upon falling more than a story at a time.

A character may support one contingency per rank in this ability, though each counts as one spell or psionic for the purposes of ability maintenance. This requires one to strike a balance between preparing for the unexpected and leaving room for day-to-day spellcasting. Of course, if conditions change, he or she can always stop maintaining one or more contingencies to deal with whatever chaos has broken out.


Dimensional Attunement
Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

Using the power of dimensional attunement, one can alter their molecular structure such that they appear to be native to whatever plane of existence they presently occupy. This ability, while active, thus presents its possessor as a natural-born resident of his or her current space-time. While most people can't tell the difference just by looking at a body, certain specialized powers can.

What this primarily does is give the character power rank resistance to abilities that will affect extraplanar entities negatively. This is mainly the banishment power, though certain other effects are contingent on one's 'outsider' status. Furthermore, exposure to temporal static is neither Armor Piercing nor able to bump someone back home if they have this ability active at all.

Seeing through the dimensional attunement power requires passing a successful ACTION roll against its rank with an ability that is designed to do so, such as nativity sense or nonapparent vision.

Dimensional Static
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

This potent power allows its wielder to generate ripples of mystical force, waves which act to distort the probabilities inherent to the casting of dimensional magic spells. These waves can extend out into the space within Very Near distance of this ability's wielder, thus acting to prevent the use of spells and spell-like powers which wield dimensional energies while they are present.

For such abilities to work, they must pass a spell or power ACTION roll against the dimensional static power rank. If they cannot manage this, such powers are impossible to use while dimensional static is active, making this ability a great way to curtail the most dangerous tricks in a spellcaster's arsenal - entreatists in particular are especially vulnerable to dimensional static.

Dimensional static also has the effect of preventing access to an area via powers which breach the dimensions - it can act as a stabilizing agent in regards to the local space-time. Powers such as dimensional transit, portal, and even planar control must pass the ACTION described above to acquire access to an area in which dimensional static is active.

Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

When in a state of distraction, a spellcaster has a much harder time producing the energies their schooling taught them to gather. When using the distraction ability, one can generate waves of mystic energy that serve to induce such a state in a wizard - well, in just about anyone, really. It's hard to concentrate on just about anything while exposed to all the random mental 'noise' that this ability causes - much less spells!

The use of this ability amounts to an all-out sensory assault on a spellcaster, thus rendering him or her distracted. While in this condition, the mage in question has to pass a Psyche (will) ACTION roll against the intensity of this ability to retain their focus enough to cast spells properly. This ACTION must be made each turn a spellcaster is within Very Near distance of the possessor of this ability while it is active.


Energy Control
Type: Psikinetic Talent, Psimantic Talent, Superpsi Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

Energy control is a psionic talent that allows one to manipulate the intensity and flow of ambient energy in a variety of useful fashions. While this talent cannot be used to actually create such power, energy control can often draw its subject from a variety of mundane sources - or alternately, can make use of energy manifested by the energy generation art, which bears several similarities to this talent.

Like energy generation, energy control is available to three disciplines: the psikinetic, the psimantic, and the superpsi. When he or she first masters this power, a psi may use any one form of energy available to them from the discipline they learn this power from. If they have access to more than one of these disciplines, they enjoy access to the 'pool' of energy forms that both (or all) such disciplines offer.

This rule applies to either his or her 'starter' energy type or any other forms of energy they learn to control as a later power stunt. Regardless of which form(s) of energy a psi with this talent can manipulate, they can use energy control to achieve a variety of common effects.

A simple use of this talent is to alter the intensity of ambient energy sources. Regarding power sources of lesser rank than one's energy control talent, a psi may either raise such powers up to his or her own power rank in intensity, or negate them entirely. Energy controllers may also attempt an ACTION roll against energy sources of equal or greater intensity than this power rank to affect their strength as well.

Secondly, an energy controller can render themselves resistant, at this power rank, against the forms of energy he or she can control. This requires an active defense maneuver, but when menaced by an energy they hold sway over, the controller can merely shunt the offending power elsewhere. This does not work against ambushes, but can protect the energy controlling psi from select harm under most other conditions.

Furthermore, a controller can control the flow of an energy form he or she wields power over. They may redirect it as desired, simply by passing a power ACTION against its intensity. Such redirected power will obey the controller's whims, whether flowing into one's foes, being grounded in the environment somehow, or otherwise being put to use - though building specific constructs with the purloined energy is often difficult.

Such constructs can be of any nature, but each type counts as a different power stunt (though such stunts apply to every form of energy a psi holds sway over). These constructs can range from energy-based restraints to environmental hazards to protective barriers to auras of some sort, or even free-roaming, semi-intelligent energy creatures that can do the controller's very bidding!

Most forms of energy allow for additional useful tricks and stunts, dependent on their unique properties. Energy control can affect the forms of energy it holds sway over as long as they are within Near distance of its wielder.

Energy Generation
Type: Psikinetic Art, Psimantic Art, Superpsi Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank

The art of energy generation allows a psi to draw forth, from his or her very body, boundless energy. When this ability is first acquired, the psi possessing it has learned how to do this with any one type of energy they have access to. They may acquire more forms of energy to generate over the course of their career, but each of these must be mastered as a power stunt - one for each new type of energy the psi will wield.

The trick is that different psis have access to different forms of energy, based on just what discipline they use to learn this art. A psikinetic, for example, will have access to conventional forms of energy. Anything from sound to light to fire to electricity can be learned by a psikinetic - basically, anything that inflicts Energy damage. But two other disciplines have access to this ability, as well.

Superpsis who learn this power can generate psionic forms of energy. These include things that inflict Karmic damage directly, or alternately forms of energy that still inflict Energy damage, but affect defenses as if they were Karmic in nature. Forms of energy that fall into this category include spectral flames and the like - most often ordinary forms of power enhanced (or tainted) with psionic energies.

A psychoturge who masters this art, on the other hand, can generate magical forms of energy. These include forms of such that inflict Energy damage but affect armor as if they were a Sorcerous attack, or those which inflict Sorcerous damage directly. Energies of this type include darkness, hellfire, and so on - either 'pure' magical attacks or otherwise ordinary power twisted beyond repair by sorcery fall into this category.

If a character with energy generation has access to more than one discipline which possesses this ability, he or she can generate energy forms hailing from any of their power 'pools'. A casual psi possessing energy generation from the psikinetic discipline, as well as a power from the psimantic discipline of power, then, could choose from either of its energy form selections.

Practically speaking, the psi with this art can generate his or her indicated form(s) of energy at their power rank, inflicting like Energy (or whatever) damage with each application. They can project this energy anywhere within Near distance of their person each time they use it, or simply into something they're currently touching. Any other use for this energy, aside from casting it about, must be mastered as a power stunt.

Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank

Characters may use this ability to extend the effects of a spell beyond its normal target (hence the name). Many spells only affect one target at a time, whether it be the caster or someone else, but extend can be used to spread the effect to multiple recipients. For every rank in extend that a person has, he or she may increase the effective number of targets a spell has by one.

The wielder of this ability may benefit from this effect by invoking extend, and subsequently casting whatever spell they wish to 'multiply'. Extend is not limited solely to the spells its wielder knows; by coordinating one's actions with another spellcaster, a character with extend may use it on the other caster's spells as well. In a group with multiple spellcasters, just one wielding extend can make the whole vastly more versatile.

While this can be accomplished with most magic, the main benefit of extend is in both speed and spell maintenance. While covering five individuals with the body armor spell can be done without extend, for instance, it requires the effective casting and maintenance of five separate spells. Extending a spell, on the other hand, only requires the maintenance of two effects: extend and the spell to be extended.

And if the wielder of extend is working with another person, the load is split between them, with one maintaining the extend effect and another maintaining the spell that is being extended. This frees up a character to bring many more effects into play if he or she wishes, or to at the very least cover more people with defensive magics (or more foes with offensive spells) than they otherwise could.

The only real limitation on extend is that it can only be used upon a spell that requires maintenance; magic with an 'encounter', 'instantaneous', 'permanent' or 'special' effect cannot be used alongside extend. Thus, a wizard could easily defend an entire team with intangibility or manipulate the minds of a small group with illusion projection, but they cannot extend an eldritch bolt or healing / other effect in the same fashion.


Fallout Absorption
Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank

A specialized and limited form of thaumaturgical absorption, fallout absorption allows its wielder to draw lingering Probability Fallout (PF) from a person or object into themselves. This requires a successful power ACTION roll against the intensity of PF present in the contaminated target of this power. If successful, said target will be cleansed of the magical contamination that it was previously subjected to.

In addition to removing the rather sticky PF from something, fallout absorption will also reverse any changes the magical contamination caused in it - if those changes were not permanent in nature. Living beings are rarely affected by permanent PF, but inanimate items are not so lucky. If something has been permanently altered by PF exposure, this ability will merely prevent it from spreading PF to others.

A character with fallout absorption can store an amount of PF within his or her body that is equal to its power rank times five. Unlike most other energy absorption powers, however, it is not recommended that one use the absorbed energies upon themselves. This is because such use of the absorbed PF will immediately subject oneself to whatever amount of PF they have channeled into their body's functionality!

Sometimes this can be a great way to escape a seemingly impossible situation, but most often it winds up with the fallout absorber turning into angry mayonnaise or the like. On the other hand, a fallout absorber can emit absorbed PF back into the environment as a devastating and transformative attack without direct danger to themselves... assuming nothing he or she changes comes in contact with them.

If absorbed Probability Fallout is not channeled into oneself or released back into the environment, this power will metabolize it in time. Each turn, fallout absorption will 'eat' one point of absorbed PF, thus preventing this causal contamination from altering the world, for better or worse. Though, when you get down to it, most PF alterations fall under the 'worse' category!

Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: special
Cost: 2 points per rank

The flux ability is not for those who prefer an ordered, structured view of causality. What it does is unleash uncontrolled probability particles upon a hapless person, place, or thing. Flux itself functions within Very Near range, meaning that its wielder must get very close to whatever it is they wish to inundate with magic. The target always gets a resistance roll, whether sentient (Psyche ACTION) or not (material strength check).

If this ACTION is successful, nothing happens; there's just a puff of smoke or flash of light, signifying nothing. If this ACTION roll fails, however, the target will be flooded with raw, unshaped magic. This is quintessential Probability Fallout (PF), and can do quite literally anything to whatever is exposed to it. Whether good or bad, nothing suffers from PF without being altered, either temporarily or permanently.

Non-sentient targets are most often drastically transmogrified, their shape and form twisted beyond recognition. A singular object may split into several, inanimate objects might become animate, things may transform from one thing into another, all of which may defy reason or possibility - that's the whole point, after all! Sometimes, all of the previous may occur simultaneously, for better or worse.

Sentient targets, they're in a similar boat. While the core sameness of a sentient target usually won't change (one entity will usually remain such, for instance), any number of things might occur to them. They may suffer a minor or major change in appearance or form, they could develop (or lose) some sort of special ability, or they might just disappear in a most spectacular manner, likely leaving little behind but shoes.

The duration of a flux-induced alteration depends primarily on conditions present when the power is invoked. A green flux ACTION will make the effect last for a number of turns equal to its rank number; a Good (10) ranked flux causes it to last for one minute (10 turns). A yellow flux roll will multiply this value by ten, meaning that Good (10) ability mentioned above will change a body for ten minutes, instead of just one.

A red flux ACTION will render the target different for a number of hours equal to this ability's rank number (ten hours for our Good (10) ranked friend, above). The latter assumes an animate target; inanimate objects are altered permanently on a red roll unless the wielder of this ability chooses otherwise - even if they somehow extract the flux he or she subjected it to in the first place.

The real problem with anything affected by flux is the fact that Probability Fallout is sticky. Whenever something is affected by PF, it will maintain a 'charge' of such. This build-up of PF will discharge through others, doing so in an SD fashion. This charge, once imparted upon another target, can spread it to still more at the lowered intensity, and so on and so on, until all of the PF is used up.

As an example, say someone with Remarkable (30) ranked flux has struck a foe's car. It fails an MS check and is transformed into, say, a tiger, a Vespa ™ scooter, various squirming light bulbs, and three hundred gallons of mayonnaise. Its wielder rolls a yellow power ACTION, so this change is only temporary, but if any of the animate items created by flux wander off, they may return to normal in a disassembled state.

All of this material is probability radioactive, in an SD sense. When any of it touches something (or is touched), this material will discharge -2 CS PF, prompting successive ACTION rolls for the new victims (including the driver of the transformed car) at this lower rank. Once they emit this PF, the 'ground zero' items' PF will lower by another -2 CS, which will discharge upon subsequent contact, and so on - until it's all gone.

This ability is likely the single greatest reason paraprobabilitists and psychoturges have such a bad reputation. Things they dose with flux often wander off and spread the probability contagion far and wide (particularly if one of them can fly). A highly charged 'patient zero' who can disperse the charge all over the place, both directly and indirectly, is especially havoc-inducing.

Flux Analysis
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

Flux analysis is a means by which one can look at the residue left behind by the use of magic, and determine a variety of things about it. It's sort of a past tense version of magic sense, but the retrospective nature of this ability allows it to glean more information from the magic involved than that sensory ability ever could. But then again, it doesn't really work on active sorcery, so there's that.

When inspecting the residual Probability Fallout on a person, place, or thing, the possessor of this ability can determine a variety of information with a mere green power ACTION roll. This information includes whether or not the magic involved was due to natural phenomenon (environmental effects) or artificially induced (magic spell or power), and what form of energy was used (personal, universal, et cetera).

A yellow flux analysis ACTION roll gives a bit more information about the magic in question, such as which school of magic was involved (if applicable), and what the spell (or spells) brought to bear actually was (or were). The singular/plural is necessary as each spell used on something will leave a trail of PF back through time, one which the possessor of this power can unravel when using it effectively.

Finally, a red flux analysis ACTION roll will reveal information not readily apparent simply by the effects the magic caused. This gives the wielder of flux analysis situational awareness regarding the use of the observed magic, including what may have prompted its wielder to bring it to bear. This is possible since each mage puts his or her own 'spin' on magic, affecting it much like it affects others.

Future Control
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank

The power of future control involves the fine manipulation of multiple probability fields to achieve a desired result. This is similar to, but more complicated than, the luck power, as that ability tends to only function on immediate concerns (within the space of a die roll). Future control, on the other hand, actually reaches through time to manipulate imminent events - all this to bind fate to one's will.

When reaching into the seething cauldron of probabilities that is the most likely future a timeline will follow, the wielder of future control only has a small window of opportunity to realign things. This window is a number of turns that is equal to the future control power's rank number. A Good (10) ranked future control, for example, would let someone tinker with events ten turns, or one minute, from now.

Generally, future control is limited spatially as well as temporally. In addition to the relatively short lead time it provides, future control can only be used on events its possessor can perceive. This usually requires he or she be within Near distance of the event to be, unless they can sense it through other means, such as clairvoyance, or perhaps closed circuit television cameras.

Manipulating a solitary action or the outcome of a singular event requires but a green power ACTION. This includes things which can be resolved with a simple die roll (such as a punch one is going to throw imminently). Single outcomes can also come in the form of something not quite expected, such as Likes to Bite suddenly breaking its leg or throwing a shoe on the last lap of the Kentucky Derby.

Future control is capable of much more complex alterations in imminent probability fields, however. A yellow power ACTION roll can be attempted to change the outcome of multiple related actions or events (such as causing a group of cars in a race to suddenly malfunction), or to momentarily change the mind or opinion of a single target (altering imminent Popularity ACTIONs, or perhaps a decision the target intends to make).

Similarly, a future controller can attempt incredibly detailed changes in an outcome to be. An ACTION roll of red magnitude is usually required when one is trying to alter the decisions or intentions of multiple individuals (such as a corporation's board of directors), altering a large array of probabilities, or causing extremely unlikely events to occur (everyone wins at the slots simultaneously).

It is important to note that some actions cannot be directly swayed by the forces that future control can bring to bear. They are simply too big, or too important in the grand scheme of things - even if such is not readily apparent. In this case, the event must be altered in smaller steps, using successive actions against smaller, related probabilities that add up to affect the larger eventuality to come.


History Control
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 3 points per rank

History control is the ability to reach into the past and meddle with events that have already occurred - without all the pesky time travel that is normally required to achieve the same effect. How it works is that, upon deciding to change a recent event, the character with history control creates a 'bubble' of probabilities, a field of such that extends between the present and the past event to be changed.

Within this bubble, reality itself is in flux - existing in multiple states concurrently. The course of events triggered by the outcome of an unchanged action exists alongside the outcome of the action after it is altered. A history controller may then view the eventualities caused by both outcomes, and choose which of the two he or she prefers. This means one can change the past, or not, depending on which present they like more.

Manipulating a solitary action or the outcome of a singular event requires but a green power ACTION. This includes things which were resolved with a simple die roll (such as a punch one threw - and missed). Single outcomes can also come in the form of something not quite expected, like altering a beef patty such that it was not properly refrigerated before someone cooked and ate it.

History control is capable of much more complex alterations in previous probability fields, however. A yellow power ACTION roll can be attempted to change the outcome of multiple related actions or events (such as meddling with last week's stock prices), or to actually change the mind or opinion of a single target (altering the results of failed Popularity ACTIONs, or perhaps a decision the target made recently).

Similarly, a history controller can attempt incredibly detailed changes in the past. An ACTION roll of red magnitude is usually required when one is trying to alter the decisions or intentions of multiple individuals (such as a crime syndicate's leaders), altering a large array of probabilities, or causing highly unlikely events to occur (more people vote for that milquetoast third party candidate).

Bear in mind that some past events are so pivotal that they may actively resist being changed. This may be the case with something that drastically altered the chain of events between itself and the present, such as some sort of cataclysm or especially a Presidential election. Sometimes these can be changed with multiple uses of the power - but may also be opposed by others with this exact same ability!

When a character reaches back into the past, intent on upturning the current probability field of the universe with one dictated by the changes he or she would like to make, they have a somewhat small window of opportunity to alter things. This temporal window consists of a number of days equal to the history control power rank number; for example, Remarkable (30) history control allows for a month of leeway, give or take.

Generally, history control is limited spatially as well as temporally. In addition to the relatively short period of temporal fluctuation it allows for, history control can only be used within a short distance of the event(s) that are to be altered. In other words, history control requires that its possessor be within Near distance of the past event or events to be tinkered with.

This may sound similar to how the future control power works - and it is, save for the direction through time it reaches. Both powers cause timeline deviations from the point of the inflicted alterations, but history control is trickier since that deviation occurs at a point before the person wielding the power actually utilizes it - at least in a causal sense.

Thus, each time the history controller uses this power, he or she will bud off an alternate timeline, wherein they know they changed something - but everyone else is (generally) unaware anything has been altered. This leaves behind the original timeline where the history controller didn't alter anything... possibly prompting others in the 'abandoned' timeline to wonder just what the character's super-power actually is.

This sounds like it is a recipe for a whole lot of paperwork, but in grand scheme of things it isn't. Technically speaking, each moment in time sees an infinite amount of alternate timelines branching off of every other timeline based on the results of an infinite amount of potential outcomes. So, one could simply look at history control as 'steering' their life in a more desirable direction.

More involved changes might cause a bit of irritation to one's Judge, though, who has to jump through hoops now and then to account for changes to his or her carefully laid plots that occur thanks to sudden ripples in the timeline. Who then, just to share in the fun, might introduce any number of ways to annoy the history controller - possibly including another history controller as a nemesis!


Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

Logos is a powerful mindset, one attained via a persistent, droning chant. This powerful chant focuses one's will such that it may alter both the character and the very universe around them, aligning them so that events resolve in a manner that favors the chanter. Either when activating logos or maintaining the ability, its possessor must pass a power ACTION roll each turn, though the difficulty of such depends on its influence.

While active, the power of logos compels the world to walk in lockstep with one's desires, adding a +1 CS bonus to any ACTION roll they attempt, save for those which keep it functioning. Each ACTION it bolsters, however, inflicts a -1 CS penalty on efforts to uphold logos, this increased difficulty representing mounting resistance to the character's meddling in the proper course of events by reality itself.

If the character with logos simply ceases the chant to maintain it before failing an ACTION to do so, they suffer no harm, and benefit from the general increase in the odds of succeeding in whatever it was they were attempting to do. If they failed an ACTION to keep logos running, however, the character suffers a causal backlash, which comes in the form of like CS penalties applied to their subsequent actions.

In other words, for each ACTION that logos enhanced before it failed, the Judge may 'bank' a -1 CS penalty to any future ACTION its wielder attempts. They may apply these Column Shifts at any point they choose in that session, either all at once or spread out as they see fit. Such is the danger of excessively warping reality, but the potential reward is often more than worth the catastrophic risk involved.

Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 3 points per rank

Similar to the very basis of magic itself, luck is an altering of probabilities to achieve a desired effect. In game terms, this is managed by actually controlling how thrown dice are read. The normal order of 'tens die' and 'ones die' is discarded, being replaced by the luck power based on the effect one desires. The die with the highest number is read first (for good luck), or the die with the lowest number is read first (for bad luck).

The character possessing luck may manipulate a die roll at will, whether their own or anyone else's. This may seem incredibly powerful, and it is, but there's always a danger in meddling with causality. Every time an altered die roll has a zero (0) in it, the Judge should take note, and roll a d10 of their own, in secret. In that many turns, the character whose luck was altered will experience a reversal.

What this means is, if a character was cursed with bad luck, and made a percentile roll with a zero in it, they'll experience good luck in a number of turns equal to the Judge's secret roll. On the other hand, if the wielder of luck was giving themselves good fortune, they'll experience bad luck in a like manner. This is a side effect of space-time righting itself in response to the luck manipulating character's actions.

Of course, there's another catch to luck. Incredibly potent, luck always comes with at least one strong limitation. Such can include (but isn't limited to) being able to only cause good or bad luck (not both), the power affecting everyone in the current area (whether good or bad), being unable to affect the luck of inanimate objects at all, or even gaining no Karma during encounters when the luck ability is in play.

This limitation does not increase the power (or discount the cost) of luck.

The rank for luck is used for few things, and ACTION rolls for such are rarely invoked. The rank number for luck does indicate the maximum amount of times in a given day one may manipulate probabilities in their favor. It also shows how well the lucky character can manipulate the fortunes of individuals with resistance to warping attacks - or perhaps others with the luck ability as well.


Magic Magnet
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

The magic magnet ability is a specialized, area effect form of spell control. It essentially involves making its wielder the target of any magical energies that pass within Very Near distance of his or her person. Magic magnet will act on magic whether it originates in its wielder's area or is simply passing through on the way to anywhere else - as far as this ability is concerned, there's no difference between the two.

Such a spell or magical power may be either beneficial or harmful in nature, but regardless of its form a spell active in the vicinity of this power's possessor will home in on him or her - if it fails an ACTION roll against the magic magnet power rank, that is. This is a great way to save an ally from an impending sorcerous attack - or to swipe the healing magic of an enemy!

Magic Sense
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank

A magic sense is the ability to perceive sorcerous energies in one's vicinity. This sense functions on the Near range table, allowing its user to detect the presence and/or usage of anomalous probabilities within a considerable radius of their person. Accomplishing this requires a simple green ACTION roll, unless its user is taking active steps to mask its use. If so, spotting it takes an ACTION of an intensity equal to the masking power.

Other than detecting magic in one's proximity, a magic sense also has additional uses. A yellow ACTION roll allows the possessor of magic sense to determine whether or not magic in play is a result of normal environmental activity (this can be the case on other planes) or what school of magic was used to produce it. A red ACTION can be used to pinpoint exactly which spell is being used on a person, place, or thing.


Nativity Sense
Type: Psimotive Skill
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank

Characters with this sensory capability have the means of detecting when someone or something in their vicinity is not in their proper, seven-dimensional coordinates. Nativity sense will perceive the presence of items out of time as well as those out of space, and can even spot astral forms and other 'snoopy' entities in nearby planes that interface with our own.

This ability works with a range as is determined by the Middle range table. A green ACTION roll is usually all that is necessary to see such things, unless some agency acts to mask their alien nature. To spot these cloaked persons or items, a character with a nativity sense must pass an ACTION roll against the intensity of whatever extraplanar stealth screen is working against them.

Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank

Nimiety is the ability to draw potential from one's allies, and to use said potential for one's own benefit. This 'potential' consists of Column Shift bonuses that apply to every ACTION roll the character with nimiety attempts. For every +1 CS worth of bonus the wielder of nimiety is to receive from his or her fellows, however, a -2 CS penalty will apply to those who have been chosen to donate their potential to fuel it.

When activated, the vast array of divergent probabilities that nimiety creates is centered upon its wielder, which adjusts causality within its area of effect, as is described on the Middle range table. This allows one to either draw from their friends from quite a ways away, to travel a considerable distance after doing so up close, or to engage in some middle ground between these two extremes.

But what if someone doesn't want to donate their potential to the wielder of nimety, you ask? This can be a pertinent point, especially if said wielder is attempting to draw forth numerous Column Shift bonuses, thus placing a body in potentially lethal danger. One can either stray out of the power's area of effect to avoid it, or if they are lucky, make use of someone or something with access to resistance to warping attacks.


Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 3 points per rank

Override is a variant form of history control. The possessor of this ability can use override to overrule the results of the Judge's die rolls. The power can be used once per game session for each rank the character has in it. For example, wielding override at Feeble (2) rank would let someone change the Judge's dice once per game, while using it at Unearthly (100) would instead give them ten overrides.

When such a change is made, the general result is that while it originally looked like the die roll held sway, the reality of the situation is that things actually happened as the overrider preferred. Perhaps the side kick looked like he'd been killed by a burst of automatic gunfire at first, but as it turned out he merely received several 'clean' wounds, and will ultimately pull through. That kind of thing.

Such changes are not automatic, and the difficulty of making such an override depends on the nature of the intended change. To shift a Judge's roll by one color result (say, from green to white), a green ACTION is required. Altering it by two color results (perhaps from red to green) takes a yellow power ACTION roll, and switching the Judge's dice by three color results (white to red, or vice versa) necessitates a red override ACTION.


Personal Static
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

This dangerous ability allows its wielder to generate waves of mystical force, waves which act to distort the probabilities inherent to the casting of personal magic spells. These waves can extend out into the space within Very Near distance of this ability's wielder, preventing the use of spells and spell-like powers which wield personal energies while they are present.

For such abilities to work, they must pass a spell or power ACTION roll against the personal static power rank. If they cannot manage this, such abilities are impossible to use while personal static is active, making this ability a great way to curtail the more physical abilities of spellcasters - physiomancers in particular are especially vulnerable to personal static.

Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

A proxy is someone whom you may cast magic spells through.

They act as a living, breathing conduit, allowing you to perform your magic well beyond the usual range of most spells (for the most part). One must be willing to serve as a proxy to another, though there's nothing stopping a mage from intimidating somebody until they submit to the use of this power. The only other limitation is that one must be close to begin serving as a proxy.

The would-be proxy must be within Very Near range before being made into such, which occurs when this ability is invoked. Once this is done, the proxy may wander almost anywhere, this power functioning on the Very Far range table. Spells cast through a proxy treat him or her as if they are the origin point for whatever magic the person maintaining the proxy power wields, for as long as it is maintained.

To make the best use of this capability, the proxy power also includes a limited form of sensory link, as well. This lets the wielder of proxy experience whatever sensory input their surrogate is exposed to. This does not include the proxy's thoughts, surface or otherwise - at least, not without the spells to investigate such things directly.


Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank

The character with reassignment is of fluid capability, for he or she may reassign the values of their various ability scores and powers (if any) as they see fit. This often coincides with a character who has multiple forms, their many ranks shifting from one form to another, but not always. It need not be tied to any real explanation but can often be used with other powers to more readily justify its presence on a body.

How reassignment works is that the possessor of this power may shift prowess from one of their ability or power ranks to another on a CS per CS basis. For example, a body with Poor (4) Strength and Amazing (50) Reason likes to swap between the two to surprise people who underestimate his physicality. Every -1 CS he applies to his Reason can be added as a +1 CS to his Strength (or any other ability score, really).

This can get a bit more complicated when applying column shifts to one's super-powers. This is because some are more potent than others, and require a bit more 'fuel' to enhance via reassignment. If a power costs more than one 'point' per rank during character generation, one must reduce another ability by that many CS to give it but one CS increase (so yes, boosting ultimate power is very costly).

Mind you, the reverse is also true. Say a character has Excellent (20) planar control, which is quite expensive to acquire during character generation (fifteen points). Each negative CS the character with reassignment applies to planar control allows her +3 CS to apply elsewhere, either in one ability score or power or in three separate ones. Such costly powers serve as a great 'bank' for reassignment to draw upon.

Shuffling ranks around is a full action, but reassignment's wielder may shift as many as they like at one time. Health and Karma should be retallied as one's ability scores change. Ability scores may not drop below Feeble (2) in rank, and ability score and power ranks may not be increased higher than that of reassignment's rank itself. Furthermore, reassignment cannot be used to change its own rank.

Of course, one can add limits to reassignment as they see fit, to enhance that rank. Limiting oneself to rearranging either ability scores or powers (not both) is considered a weak limitation. Constraining reassignment to altering only physical (Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance) or mental (Fighting, Reason, Intuition, and Psyche) ability scores counts as a strong limitation.

A further, very strong constraint of reassignment involves the character only being able to reassign their ability scores and power ranks between two distinct, fixed forms, sort of like a voluntary alter ego. Finally, restraining the power such that it can only swap the ranks of two specific ability scores and/or power ranks can be counted as an extreme limitation.

Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank

The reprise power builds on the logic behind the very nature of magic. Essentially, the idea with magic is to modify probability until something that is astoundingly improbable occurs. Reprise adds to that notion, however, by positing that if something can happen once, no matter how improbable an event it may seem to be, what's stopping it from happening multiple times?

When reprise is active, the power can modify the alterations in the laws of probability that enable the casting of spells in the first place, possibly causing the end result to occur repeatedly. This result can be anything from the emission of an eldritch bolt to the summoning of a demon! Each time a spell is cast while reprise is active, it has the possibility of repeating itself several times.

Maintaining reprise allows a power ACTION at the beginning of each turn to echo spells cast under its influence. A green reprise ACTION echoes any spell that was cast on the previous turn. Yellow ACTIONs echo spells echoed once or cast on the last turn. Finally, a red reprise ACTION roll echoes any spell cast or echoed on the previous turn.

A spell being echoed doesn't automatically produce the same result achieved with it orginally. Thus, that eldritch bolt must be aimed at one's target anew, while the second summoned demon may or may not be under its summoner's control - whether or not the first one was. And so on and so forth. The point is that while the effect invoked is the same, resistance rolls and aversive actions are out of the caster's control.

In this fashion, one can get more 'bang for their buck' from the casting of a single spell. This helps a spellcaster to perform multiple actions even if he or she has a particularly low Fighting score, as the reprise occurs despite whatever actions they are currently attempting - even if that means they are casting a completely different spell while this power is giving an encore presentation of one previously cast.


Sorcerous Amplification
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank

Sorcerous amplification allows its wielder to enhance the effectiveness of another person's magical abilities (either natural or learned) for a small amount of time. When triggered, sorcerous amplification will raise the rank of any one spell or spell-like power another person possesses, increasing it either to this power rank or the spell or spell-like power's rank +1 CS, whichever of the two is higher.

This power works within Very Near distance of its wielder, and it may only affect one magic ability at a time. It lasts for 1d10 turns, unless the effect is specifically maintained longer.

Once it wears off, sorcerous amplification may not be used on the same target again for one hour - without degrading its relative utility, that is. For each additional use on a single target without a one hour 'cool down', sorcerous amplification loses -1 CS of its overall effectiveness for them. This is enough to neutralize its use upon magic more potent than itself, while more gradually reducing its use in other instances.

Sorcerous Attenuation
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank

Sorcerous attenuation is the ability to stifle the operating rank of one or more magical powers, natural or learned, in one's vicinity. This power works on targets within Near range of its possessor, and the effects of the power last for only 1d10 turns, unless specifically maintained on a target for a longer period of time - which may be required to prevent them from vigorously retaliating against its wielder.

This power works by deciding which magic ability to dampen, and then activating it. The targets of sorcerous attenuation may attempt an ACTION with the magic to be attenuated; if they can match the intensity of sorcerous attenuation, they successfully resist it. If victorious, attenuators may apply one negative Column Shift to the targeted sorcery for each rank they have in this ability, negating it when reducing it to Shift 0.

For example, let us consider a sorcerous attenuator who has this power at Amazing (50) rank. He's fighting an opponent with the destructive tendency to freeze everything in the area with his Monstrous (75) ranked eldritch bolt (cold). When using sorcerous attenuation on this foe, our hero can mostly negate his eldritch bolt if the target cannot pass a green power ACTION roll against this lesser assault on his spellcasting.

A versatile power, sorcerous attenuation can be wielded against multiple magics - whether they belong to one character or many. The trick, though, is that each doubling (always rounding up) of spells so dampened will reduce the effective rank of sorcerous attenuation by -1 CS - both for the purposes of overcoming the magic it is used against, and the maximum number of Column Shifts attenuation can inflict upon it all.

Returning to our example, say the foe of our attenuator has five spells - and will readily use the others on our hero if his eldritch bolt is neutered. The attenuator instead uses his ability against his foe's other four spells, which will each (assuming he fails to resist) suffer a -6 CS penalty on their rank. His foe can still use that eldritch bolt, but his other spells are now much less dangerous.

An attenuator can reduce this penalty somewhat by attempting to hamper magic at less than their maximum ability. For each -2 CS he or she chooses not to apply to the magic they are attacking, an attenuator can prevent the operating rank of this power from losing -1 CS of its overall effectiveness. This may not completely neuter their foes, but allows an attenuator to knock their mystic enemies down a peg or two.

In time, a coven of evil mages gang up on our sorcerous attenuator, sick and tired of him meddling in their plans. He may dull one spell on each of his four foes, though this reduces his power's effectiveness by -2 CS, allowing him only -6 CS of attenuation. By reducing his overall effect to only -4 CS, our heroic sorcerous attenuator can attempt this action with but a -1 CS penalty.

Splitting one's focus to attenuate multiple spells in this fashion tends to make this ability fail more often than not, unless they have it at a particularly high rank - which may just make it easier to go with some other sorcerous countermeasures, instead. This power is the most readily available to curtail the use of magic temporarily, however, without inflicting permanent harm on others.

Sorcerous Invisibility
Type: Psimantic Skill
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

Its name something of a misnomer, sorcerous invisibility is an illusory trick one may wield to keep the use of his or her magical powers a secret. How it works is that, when casting magic of some sort, sorcerous invisibility disguises its effects as mundane phenomenon. For example, a sorcerer firing eldritch bolts at demons on a busy street corner might overlay the scene with imagery of them heaving a rock at muggers.

While maintained, this ability masks the obvious effects of magic, actively working against the Intuition (alt) of anyone within Near distance of the caster. If witnesses to the magic fail an ACTION against this power rank, they won't realize anything fantastic is going on. In fact, if the use of sorcery has no direct effect on the environment, they may not even know anything transpired at all!

The power of sorcerous invisibility interacts with the other spells a mage is using, other magic in the environment, and the minds of those within range, such that everyone affected perceives real-time updates to their environment to cope with the spells on display before them. This allows mages to combat each other without alerting the 'mundanes' when they cannot relocate to a more convenient and/or isolated field of battle.

Or, alternately, lets a wizard or psychoturge keep knowledge of the occult from driving mere mortals mad upon exposure to it.

Sorcerous invisibility is more powerful than ordinary illusion projection in that it isn't hampered by ever-greater numbers of witnesses. On the other hand, it is limited in that it only masks magic or magical beings in the vicinity. Also, anyone with nonapparent vision or the ability to detect magic or other energetic phenomenon may be alerted to its use, even though their standard senses are completely fooled.

Spell Control
Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank

Spell control is the potent power to actively manipulate the very form and function of magical abilities. It only works on magic spells or mystical powers inherent to the body of its target, not other talent-based abilities (psionics) or non-mystic super-powers (mutations). Furthermore, spell control can only affect the magical abilities of others - not those wielded by its possessor.

If a mystically inclined individual or the effects of their abilities are present within Near range of the spell controller, he or she may try to co-opt such. If attempting to use this ability on a magic effect free of its creator's body, this only requires an ACTION against its intensity. If the magical ability is not in use or is otherwise internalized to its target, its possessor is also allowed a Psyche (will) ACTION to resist.

Once the possessor of spell control has taken control of the magic of another, they can do any number of things with it. However, spell control actions require a second ACTION roll, based on how complicated its wielder's intentions are. Redirecting the target of a magic power or spell (pointing an eldritch bolt away from oneself, or 'borrowing' the body armor of another) requires a green spell control ACTION.

Activating or inactivating magic requires a yellow ACTION. This can range from being a nuisance to downright lethal, depending on how vital the wizardry being tinkered with is to the survival of its possessor. Yellow ACTIONs also allow one to change minor details of the magic's nature somewhat; perhaps, say, changing that eldritch bolt into something the spell controller is more resistant to, like a beam of feathers?

A red ACTION grants the spell controller the ability to drastically alter the nature of magic, being able to transform it from any one ability into any other they desire. This might turn a body armor spell into shrinking, or teleportation into dimensional transit, causing its wielder to blip off into parts wholly unknown. Such applications are by far the most potent uses of spell control - and the most lethal.

Luckily for the opponents of a spell controller, the effects of this ability are highly transient in nature. They only last as long as the spell controller is actively concentrating upon his or her changes. Furthermore, each turn someone is subject to spell control (perhaps the spell controller is 'borrowing' their abilities for a while), they may attempt another ACTION to resist its use on their person.


Thaumaturgical Absorption
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank

This handy ability gives its wielder the power to absorb ambient magical energy. Either when exposed to sorcerous energies of some sort, or when targeted by a variety of supernatural spells, thaumaturgical absorption allows its possessor to appropriate the magical power involved. By soaking up thaumatic energy, the absorber can prevent it from harming either themselves or others.

The thing to keep in mind is that thaumaturgical absorption only works on direct magical energy. One could absorb the energy of a fiery eldritch bolt, but not the force of a boulder hurled with a telekinesis spell. A good rule of thumb is that if it doesn't intimately interact with its target, thaumaturgical absorption may not be used to absorb the power of a magical ability.

At one time, an absorber can internalize an amount of energy equal to this ability's rank number; superfluous amounts inflict damage normally. On the other hand, the character can fill a 'tank' of energy that is equal to their power rank number times five. If one attempts to absorb more energy than they can contain, this power will function normally, but the excess energies will be lost.

Wielding this pool of power, a thaumaturgical absorber can produce a variety of useful effects whenever the need arises. They can use it to replenish lost Health, doing so on a point-per-point basis. In fact, if one's Health is at its normal maximum, a thaumaturgical absorber can 'pad' it with absorbed energy, doing so until their Health is at up to twice the sum of their Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance scores.

One can also use absorbed magic to bolster their physical ability scores, shunting purloined sorcerous energies into their Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance scores on a point-per-point basis, raising them either to this power rank in effectiveness (if less than the thaumaturgical absorption rank) or by +1 CS (if equal to or greater than the thaumaturgical absorption rank). Such enhancements last for 1d10 turns.

Finally, absorbed magical energy can be directly released back into the environment - as a devastating attack! One can emit absorbed sorcerous energy as 'generic' eldritch blasts, doing so at an intensity equal to this ability's rank, and consuming that much power with each use. This attack form manifests as a physical (and visible) burst of power, one which inflicts Sorcerous damage upon whoever it strikes.

Thaumaturgical Vampirism
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank

Thaumaturgical vampirism allows its wielder to feed upon the magic contained within various items, phenomenon, or persons in the environment, mainly to recover lost Health. As do other forms of this ability, thaumaturgical vampirism requires contact with its would-be victim. Upon touching the target, a thaumaturgical vampire may drain amount of magic from it equal to this power's rank - assuming a target has that much within.

The target of thaumaturgical vampirism can be one of three separate sources of magic. The first is spells encountered in the environment. A power ACTION roll made against the intensity of such magic allows a thaumaturgical vampire to feast upon the magic before him or her, draining its intensity by this power's rank number with each use. Such spells may either be in transit to their target or already in place.

The second target of thaumaturgical vampirism comes in the form of magical items - inanimate objects which contain magic, either of a temporary or permanent nature. Temporary magical items can be drained as can ordinary spells, per the above, but a permanent object can be drained only if the thaumaturgical vampire can pass an ACT roll against the magic used to create that item in the first place.

The third source of magic for a thaumaturgical vampire is, of course, magical beings. For the purposes of this power, a magical being is defined as any entity which possess magical abilities, whether natural or trained. On contact with a thaumaturgical vampire, such a being must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION roll, against the intensity of this power, to avoid being drained of their magical capabilities.

Each turn it is used, thaumaturgical vampirism will drain the mystic powers and/or magical spells a hapless target possesses, assuming the target cannot shrug the thaumaturgical vampire off; a subsequent resistance ACTION roll is allowed upon each new turn. This draining can affect all of a target's magical abilities equally, or can instead work against declared target abilities, as the thaumaturgical vampire desires.

If a resistance ACTION is successful at any point during the feeding process, the target will immediately repulse the thaumaturgical vampire, gaining immunity from further assaults with this power from this thaumaturgical vampire (though not from other characters with this ability or any other vampiric powers the assailant may possess). Upon managing this, the target should note this resistance in the event of future assaults.

If a thaumaturgical vampire is at full Health when they drain their power rank in magic, they receive a +1 CS to their Strength, Endurance, Psyche, and all power ranks save for this one (additional drains do not enhance them further). This boost lasts for 1d100 turns, after which point the character with thaumaturgical vampirism will return to normal. Gaining another, like boost requires another feeding.

The danger in using this ability against the living is twofold. First off, there's the risk of contagion. Draining someone of their magic completely is a lethal attack. If the victim of such an attack fails their Kill check, they begin to lose Endurance ranks until either first aid is administered or they die. Soon afterwards, they will rise again as an undead creature, a thaumaturgical vampire that requires magic to survive.

Secondly, if a thaumaturgical vampire kills with this ability (accidentally or intentionally), they must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION against the intensity of this power. If this ACTION fails, the thaumaturgical vampire becomes addicted to the magic of the living, and requires it to function. While addicted, the character with thaumaturgical vampirism suffers a loss of power each day they do not feed upon large amounts of magic.

This loss comes in the form of a -1 CS to their Strength, Endurance, and Psyche scores, as well as all their power ranks (save for this one). To avoid this loss, the addicted thaumaturgical vampire must drain an amount of bodily magic equal to their thaumaturgical vampirism rank each day, and if at a penalty, a like amount to recover each -1 CS lost. The only way to shake this addiction is to go cold turkey.

And that's not easy.

Withdrawal from the magical powers of the living causes the CS penalties to mount, until the character's indicated ability scores and power ranks reach Shift 0. This prompts an Endurance ACTION, per a Kill result. If this ACTION fails, the character immediately dies, and will eventually rise as a thaumaturgical vampire themselves. If it succeeds, they may attempt a Psyche (will) ACTION to overcome their addiction.

If this Psyche ACTION succeeds, the character is 'cured', and may begin to recover lost ability and power ranks at a rate of +1 CS per day. If the Psyche ACTION fails, however, the character must wait another day, and repeat the Endurance ACTION to see if they live long enough to attempt another Psyche ACTION to beat the urge. This continues until the character either dies or gets clean.

If a character with thaumaturgical vampirism has ever been addicted to the magical energies of others, using the ability against others again may cause a relapse - even if they've physically recovered from the ordeal. Every time the character uses thaumaturgical vampirism on the living afterwards, they must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION, the failure of which indicates an immediate relapse into magic addiction.

If they pass this ACTION they'll be fine - at least, until next time!

Naturally, an undead creature dependent on the magical power of others to live cannot shake this requirement. This process only applies to still-living wielders of thaumaturgical vampirism, and not its many victims.

Transient Magic
Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: special
Cost: 1 point per rank

Transient magic is a spell which has been temporarily installed within an inanimate object (or objects, depending). When so charging an item with magical power, the possessor of this ability may place any spell or spell-like power they possess into it, doing so at any rank up to that of the transient magic ability's. This is similar to the process of alchemy, except that arcane formulas are not involved.

Furthermore, this process requires a number of minutes equal to the rank number of the spell or magical power deposited into the item. Creating transient magic is time-consuming, but nonetheless allows the character with this ability to share his or her magic with anyone else they desire, often a great advantage when exploring parts - or universes - unknown.

Generally, transient magic can sit idle for any amount of time, but there's only so much of it available to whoever holds the item imbued with magic. These temporary spells can be used for 1d10 turns before running out. This is true whether the power granted has an instantaneous effect (such as an eldritch bolt) or can be maintained (such as a flight spell).


Universal Static
Type: Psimantic Talent
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank

This potent power allows its wielder to generate waves of mystical force, waves which act to distort the probabilities inherent to the casting of universal magic spells. These waves can extend out into the space within Very Near distance of this ability's wielder, thus acting to prevent the use of spells and spell-like powers which wield universal energies while they are present.

For such abilities to work, they must pass a spell or power ACTION roll against the universal static power rank. If they cannot manage this, such abilities are impossible to use while universal static is active, making this ability a great way to curtail the more explosive abilities of spellcasters - elementalists in particular are especially vulnerable to universal static.


Variable Sorcery
Type: Psimantic Art
Duration: special
Cost: 1 point per rank

Variable sorcery is similar to the variable power ability, save that it is used to duplicate magic skills. These can be either the learned talent-equivalents used by sorcerers, or natural magic powers a character may have access to (whether due to mystic evolution, freak accidents, or whatever). Variable sorcery, when used, can copy a magic power possessed by anyone within Very Near range with a simple green ACTION.

This new magic power functions at the variable sorcery rank, not its original intensity. This won't affect the source of the magic power, and unless they're a paraprobabilitist, said source may have no idea that one of their tricks was duplicated. Once the variable sorcery power is set, it remains available to the wielder of such until they duplicate another magic power, at which point they 'forget' the old one and 'learn' the new one.

When the old form of variable sorcery is forgotten, it is gone forever - unless copied again at a later date. While variable sorcery can be used to acquire any kind of magic power, it does not function on technology, regular or psi talents, or other knowledge. Furthermore, it cannot be used to copy non-magical powers; while variable sorcery could copy the teleportation spell, it can't copy the equivalent non-magical or psionic abilities.

As a psionic, variable sorcery has a unique duration. While the power itself has an 'instantaneous' duration, its effects are continuous. Its wielder need not maintain variable sorcery to keep what they have acquired in this fashion, and if the power is blocked somehow (such as with annulment), it will return when that effect expires, leaving only when variable sorcery is reused to acquire a new ability.

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