Power Control Powers

The thirty-three power control powers are abilities which can be used to manipulate the ascendant powers of others. They can enhance, curtail, block, or even copy the super-powers other people possess, but are often quite useless against normal human opponents. Power control powers can make you the most popular member of a team of adventurers - or perhaps its single most intransigent foe.



Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: ability boost, attenuation, buttress, karma control, power amplification, psionic amplification, sorcerous amplification, theonic amplification.

Amplification is a power which lets its wielder enhance - significantly - the performance of another person's ability scores. When activated, the amplifier can choose to boost the Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, or Psyche of their target, and enhance it to a value that is equal to this power in rank - or the value of the enhanced ability +1 CS, whichever of the two is higher.

The effects of amplification last only 1d10 turns, unless specifically concentrated upon. Once it wears off, amplification cannot be used on the same ability score of the same target for an hour - without degrading its overall effectiveness, that is. For each additional use without this 'cool down' period, reduce the effective boost that amplification can provide by -1 CS - until it offers no further benefit.

One's Health or Karma sum should be temporarily recalculated to account for the character's bolstered abilities. This can cause problems if he or she takes severe damage before the power wears off, as a negative Health total upon the power's termination affects a body per a Kill result.

Amplification may easily be limited by reducing the number of abilities it can temporarily enhance. Cutting it back to either physical or mental ability scores is considered a weak limitation (+1 CS or one point cost reduction), while allowing amplification to enhance but one ability score is instead a strong limitation (+2 CS or two point cost reduction). Fighting can count as either a physical or mental ability for this purpose.

Amplification works within Very Near distance of its possessor.

Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: amplification, karma control, nimiety, power attenuation, psionic attenuation, sorcerous attenuation, theonic attenuation.

Attenuation is the power to reduce one or more ability scores of another, often a great means of containing whatever damage they can cause. Attenuation works within Near range of its wielder, and an application of attenuation lasts for 1d10 turns, unless the power is specifically maintained on a target for longer periods of time - often a good idea with particularly powerful opponents.

A character with attenuation can reduce a targeted ability score by 1 CS for each rank of attenuation they possess, to a minimum of Feeble (2). For example, consider the Wet Blanket, a villainess who makes herself seem more impressive by dampening the capabilities of others in her presence. Having Monstrous (75) ranked attenuation, she can reduce an ability score by -9 CS - which can seriously ruin someone's day!

Attenuating an ability score works if said ability fails a resistance ACTION against this power's intensity.

The Wet Blanket's foes, then, would find themselves automatically attenuated if the ability score she targets is of Incredible (40) rank or less, could resist with a red ACTION if of Amazing (50) rank, on a yellow ACTION if of like (Monstrous (75)) rank, and with a green ACTION if ranging from Unearthly (100) to Shift Y (200) in rank. Shift Z (500) or higher ability scores could shrug her power off automatically, without dice.

A versatile power, attenuation can be wielded against more than one ability score - whether they belong to one character or many. The trick, though, is that each doubling (always rounding up) of ability scores so dampened will reduce the effective rank of attenuation by -1 CS - both for the purposes of overcoming the ability scores it is used against, and the maximum number of Column Shifts it can inflict upon them.

Returning to our Wet Blanket of an example, let's say she always likes to be the smartest person in the room. Upon entering her night classes, she uses attenuation against all twelve of her fellow students, targeting their Reason score. This reduces her effective attenuation power rank by -4 CS (one doubled four times is sixteen), to Excellent (20). However, she can still reduce the Reason of her 'foes' by -5 CS.

An attenuator can reduce this penalty somewhat by attempting to hamper less of an ability score than their maximum. For each -2 CS he or she chooses not to apply to the ability scores they are attacking, an attenuator can prevent the operating rank of their power from losing -1 CS of its overall effectiveness. This may not completely neuter their foes, but allows an attenuator to 'even the playing field' considerably.

Later that night, when attempting to extend her territory, the Wet Blanket is faced with a rival's thugs. Attacking the four physical ability scores of her eight foes, she would suffer a -5 CS penalty (one doubled five times is thirty-two), which would reduce her to Good (10) in rank, and allow for -4 CS in ability score attenuation. By choosing only -2 CS of such, the Wet Blanket can force resistance ACTIONs against Excellent (20), instead.

One can limit attenuation by tying it only to physical abilities (Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance) or mental abilities (Fighting, Reason, Intuition, or Psyche). Note that Fighting, being both a physical and a mental ability score, shows up in both lists. Doing this is considered a weak limitation, raising the rank of attenuation by +1 CS (or lowering the cost by one point).

Alternately, attenuation can be limited such that it works on just one ability score (for example, Strength). Doing this is considered a strong limitation, raising the rank of attenuation by +2 CS (or, similarly, reducing the cost by two). A similarly potent limitation involves allowing attenuation to work on only one person at a time.


Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: empowerment, investment, link, power transfer.

A variant form of the link ability, boon allows its possessor to share his or her ascendant power with others. The difference between boon and link, however, is that the former is more of a one way transaction. Boon can only be used to lend power to others, not to receive it in turn, and the wielder of this ability cannot actually control how said power is to be used... only whether or not it is to be granted.

How boon works is that, while active, it is constantly listening for requests for power from others. There is no range limitation on such entreaties, and a character with boon may lend his or her power to anyone - no matter where in the multiverse they happen to be. Furthermore, the power to be granted only works once per request; to wield a boon-granted ability again, an entreater must entreat the wielder of boon for it anew.

The use of boon is a great way to enhance one's reputation as a being of power, and granting might to others can imbue them with great respect for the giver of boons. This is one reason that entities wishing to encourage the veneration of their person may keep boon active at all times; the more they can aid others, the more that word of their might - and generosity - will spread throughout all reality.

While boon is functioning, its possessor can grant the use of any power he or she possesses to anyone who entreats them for it. This power will function at any intensity up to the power rank of boon itself - regardless of its actual level of power. The only problem is that while one is in the process of granting a boon, they will suffer a reduction in the power of an ability being lent out to others.

If a character is lending out a power to but one person, this reduction is a mere -1 CS. However, for each doubling of individuals making use of a power boon, this negative Column Shift increases by one; granting four persons a specific power would incur a -3 CS penalty, while giving sixty-four an identical boon of power would inflict a -7 CS penalty on the power in question.

This drain of power is why most possessors of boon usually don't grant their power to just anyone. They often require those who entreat them for power to perform some sort of ceremony or perhaps even a specialized spell to gain the use of their prowess. This serves both to extend the mystique surrounding the granter of boons, as well as the ability to better filter out power requests from the 'unwashed masses'.

When such precautions are not taken, a character can be drained, however temporarily, of his or her power completely. A power drained to Shift 0 intensity cannot be lent out any further - which will cause additional entreaties to fail. And for those who are using the ability to build up their credibility with those who they wish to be worshiped by, that may be a fatal error.


Corporeal Gestalt
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: gestalting, link, spectral gestalt.

A corporeal gestalt is a composite entity formed by the physical merger of several individuals. When this power is activated, it will combine its wielder's very form with that of one or more people. While this can generally be any number or variety of folks, the power can be curtailed to specific participants as a strong limitation. Such a constraint is a common limitation of this ability, but by no means a constant.

The corporeal gestalt will possess ability scores, both physical and mental, that are based on the average of those who comprise its being. If one person combines with the possessor of this power, these averages will be increased by +1 CS. Each subsequent doubling of participants in the gestalt will boost this ability score average by another +1 CS (eight merged individuals, for instance, function at a +3 CS).

A corporeal gestalt can wield whatever powers its creators possess. It may do so at the listed rank for each (or at an average, if more than one component of its being has the same ability), modified as its ability scores are, above. For example, if one of the four people participating in such a gestalt has the ability of flight, the corporeal gestalt could use that power at its possessor's rank +2 CS.

At the same time, corporeal gestalts often possess additional powers above and beyond those of its constituent entities. When this ability is first gained, its possessor has the option of placing one or more of their powers within the gestalt; they can't use them by themselves, but must merge with others to wield the ability. Such placement counts as a strong limitation to the powers so constrained, and raises their final ranks by +2 CS.

The appearance and personality of a corporeal gestalt can take on one of two different configurations. The first assumes that the combined bodies and minds of the individuals involved in its creations add up to create an all-new being. This corporeal gestalt has an all-new appearance and personality, one which may recall aspects of its component beings but may have entirely new traits.

The second is a direct amalgamation of the bodies and minds of its participants, which might get a bit awkward when multiple genders and species are involved. The minds which make up the gestalt may merge into a singular personality, showcasing all of their tendencies (both good and bad), or simply manifest as all of their personalities in one body - which can either represent ultimate teamwork or abject confusion.

Most often the latter.

When a corporeal gestalt is defeated in battle but not killed outright, its component beings will usually separate immediately, which may be quite a sight. They will awaken in 1d10 turns as if defeated individually, but will be otherwise okay. If a gestalt is actually slain, those who comprise the gestalt must pass a Kill check or begin to lose Endurance ranks, on top of the effects of simply being defeated in battle.


Deionic Control
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: power control, psionic control, spell control, theonic absorption, theonic amplification, theonic attenuation.

Deionic control is the powerful ability to actively manipulate the form and function of divine powers. These can be the actual powers of gods or demigods, theonic powers wielded by psis, or even abilities granted by a deity to his or her followers, such as priestly spells or holy boons. Deionic control can only affect the deific powers of others - not those wielded by its possessor.

If someone with deific powers or the effects of such are present within Near range of the character with deionic control, he or she can attempt to seize control of them. If attempting to use this ability on a deific power effect free of its creator's body, this only requires an ACTION roll against its intensity. If the power is not in use or is otherwise internalized to its target, its possessor is also allowed a Psyche (will) ACTION to resist.

Once the possessor of this ability has taken control of another person's deific power, he or she or she can do any number of things with it. However, deionic control actions require a second ACTION roll, based on how complicated its wielder's intentions are. Redirecting the target of a deific power (pointing an antideionic attack away from oneself, or 'borrowing' the fortuity of another) requires a green deionic control ACTION roll.

Activating or inactivating a functioning deific power requires a yellow ACTION. This can range from being a nuisance to downright lethal, depending on how vital the power being tinkered with is to the survival of its possessor at the moment. Yellow ACTIONs also allow one to change minor details of a power's nature somewhat (perhaps turning that antideionic attack into something the deionic controller is more resistant to, like apples).

A red power ACTION roll grants the deionic controller the ability to drastically alter the nature of a deific power, being able to turn it from any one divine ability into any other. This might transform a deionic attack into theonic amplification, or nature resistance into a theonic sense (possibly guaranteeing a spectacular demise for the target). Such applications are by far the most dangerous uses of deionic control - and the most lethal.

Luckily for the opponents of a deionic controller, the effects of this power are highly transient in nature. They only last as long as the deionic controller is actively concentrating upon his or her changes. Furthermore, each turn someone is subject to deionic control (perhaps the deionic controller is 'borrowing' their abilities for a while), they may attempt another ACTION roll to resist its use on their person.


Type: Power Control Power
Duration: permanent
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: boon, investment, link, power absorption, power amplification, power attenuation, power block, power control, power transfer, weakness generation.

The process of empowerment is similar to that of investment, for it involves installing super-human abilities within something besides its wielder. It differs, however, in that empowerment does not work on living beings - in fact, it only works on inanimate objects. As long as it is not currently considered alive under any normal definition of the term, empowerment can give an object access to super-powers!

One can begin the task of empowering an object by deciding which object is to receive powers in the first place. It is generally a good idea to go with something that is of high quality workmanship, so that it does not easily break or malfunction. While the powered portion of it may retain usefulness, the mundane portion being non-functional reduces its overall effectiveness. And just looks silly.

Secondly, the bearer of this power must decide which super-human abilities he or she wishes to impart onto the device. In the same vein, they must determine whether the abilities instilled within an item apply to the item or its wielder. As an example, an invulnerability the item possesses might make it immune to being broken by Blunt Attack damage - but if applied to its wielder, would instead make them very hard to defeat.

Powers to be embedded into an item will function at a rank that is equal to that of empowerment itself - or less, if desired.

Third, there is the matter of special requirements. Permanent powered objects require a special requirement for each ability it will be empowered with. An empowerer may embed an entire super arsenal into an object, but this might require months of preparation. Each requirement will be related to the nature of the power to be added somehow, and one should work with their Judge to determine the nature of such.

Finally, there's the matter of actually empowering the device. This begins when the character with empowerment uses it on the item, which prepares it for the process of acquiring power. This often involves a period of special treatment both before and after, to attune the item to the power(s) to be installed within. Then, the power to be imparted within the item must be used upon it.

In the case of passive powers that cannot target others, such as regeneration, they must simply be in use while touching the soon-to-be empowered object.

If the empowerer lacks access to an ability he or she wishes to install within an item, they can usually acquire it temporarily through the use of the link ability, or can have someone else use the desired power on the item to be empowered instead. Once this is done, the new powers of the item must be sealed within with a red empowerment power ACTION.

Sealing super-powers into an item will consume the special requirements (if applicable), and catalyze the creation of the ascendant object from the formerly mundane materials involved. This act also requires 500 Karma points from the empowerer. Additionally, if an item is graced with super-powers that the empowerer cannot access themselves, they must pay the Karma cost for each one.

This cost is the equivalent to purchasing the power at the rank the item possesses it, -2 CS. This represents the empowerer gaining the super-power with a potent limitation (that it's embedded within an item, with all the advantages and disadvantages this entails). This, of course, assumes the creator of a super-powered item is not simply giving it to someone else; if this is the case, the Karma cost is then their concern.

If neither is done, the item is subject to the vagaries of Plot, as is normal.

In addition to super-human abilities, an empowerer may install the following special item powers into any object they empower:

* Enhanced Material Strength: an empowerer can infuse an item with an enhanced MS; after all, a glass sword with seven powers is neat, but is still only a Feeble MS item. An empowerer can increase the MS of their new item by acquiring a special requirement of the desired MS. While this requirement is consumed upon the item's creation, it imparts its MS into the newly created ascendant item.

* Psychic Bond: an empowerer can install this power within the new super-powered item, which allows the device (sentient or not) to psychically link to its owner. This link allows the owner to sense whenever the item is being used, and to know the approximate direction the item lies in relation to themselves (if they are not currently wielding it). Doing this requires something enjoyed by the empowerer as a special requirement.

* Sentience: an empowerer can install a true sentience in the ascendant item they are creating. The item's Reason, Intuition, and Psyche ranks are rolled up randomly on table D. The personality of an item will generally reflect that of its creator, although this is not always the case (particularly if a link was involved in its creation). Anything representing intelligence can serve as a special requirement for this item power.


Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 3 points per rank
Related Powers: boon, empowerment, link, power absorption, power amplification, power attenuation, power block, power control, power transfer, weakness generation.

Investment is the process of imbuing a living being with enhanced abilities and/or super-human powers. This can be a highly dangerous skill to possess, both because of its incredibly high demand and because you never know when one of your creations will betray you with the powers you granted them. Unlike the creation of empowered items, investing super-human powers into a living target is simple.

There is no mandatory preparation time involved, no special requirements one must quest for. While these make great potential limitations, they are by no means a necessity - the wielder of investment just invokes it and dishes out the enhancements. The entire process requires but two ACTION rolls, assuming the recipient is willing, and these ACTIONs determine the nature and the permanency of the invested enhancements.

The first ACTION is to determine what the wielder of investment may invest in his or her target. A green ACTION allows them to enhance any of their target's ability scores, up to their normal maximum. An example of this would be increasing one's Strength to Excellent (20), or their Agility to Incredible (40). A yellow ACTION allows for the creation of super-human ability scores - at least, as high as investment allows (see below).

A red investment ACTION allows for the creation of actual super-powers - anything from flight to laser beam eyes to... whatever, really. A character with investment may invest a number of powers into others equal to its rank number, all of which include their own super-human capabilities (aside from this one). It pays to determine these in advance, but this information isn't immediately vital.

The rank of a newly invested enhancement depends on the rank of investment itself. Invested ability enhancements have a maximum equal to the investment rank (with a minimum boost of +1 CS), while invested powers will manifest at the investment rank -1 CS. These values may naturally be raised by the recipient at a later point - assuming the new powers are permanent.

Otherwise, why bother?

The thing is, investment isn't always a good thing. Perhaps the wielder is trying to give people the power to transform the air around their bodies into antimatter - without any safeguards to avoid the impending explosions and radiation exposure. If used as an attack, or even if someone simply doesn't want what the investor is offering, they may resist by passing an Endurance (res) ACTION roll against the rank of investment.

At any rate, once the powers have been imbued into the target, it's time to figure out how long they'll last. A green ACTION roll will make imbued powers last for a number of days equal to the investment rank number. A yellow ACTION will extend this figure to weeks, and a red ACTION roll can make such abilities semi-permanent, allowing them to linger for a number of months equal to the investment rank number.

Assuming the investor does not remove the powers before that time has elapsed.

Mind you, a red investment ACTION can instead make permanent super-powers or other improvements in the target. This is entirely up to the Judge, and where player characters are concerned, may require they pay the Karma cost for these new abilities before they're considered permanent. If the Karmic books are not balanced in time, these abilities are subject to Plot.

As is the case with any other special abilities or equipment the character trips over during play.


Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: corporeal gestalt, empowerment, investment, power absorption, power duplication, power transfer, spectral gestalt, trace duplication, variable cybernetics, variable power, variable psionics, variable sorcery, variable talent.

The wielder of this ability may combine their special powers with those of several other, willing individuals, to pool the group's collective prowess. The initiator of this link is usually in command of this enhanced power's use, and can wield it at his or her discretion. While the link is active, its initiator may directly wield their powers or those of the link's participants as if they were their own.

For each doubling of people participating in a link, add a +1 CS to whatever power its initiator is wielding. As an example, eight psis are pooling their capabilities together, thus granting the leader of their pack a +3 CS to whatever actions they take with their powers. People can join or leave the link any time after it has been initiated, though maintaining a link under such conditions requires a yellow ACTION.

Generally, linked powers work best when they have a common origin or type. Sorcerers play nice with sorcerers, energy generators ideally pair up with energy generators, and so on. Adding disparate power sources or types, either to start with or later on, inflicts a -1 CS to the ACTION to initiate (or alter the membership of) this linked power pool for each component individual that doesn't 'match'.


Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 3 points per rank
Related Powers: origin sense.

Opposition is the power to oppose the powers of others. When using this ability, the possessor of opposition can study another person's super-human ability, and synthesize within themselves a counter to it. This process takes one turn and a simple green power ACTION, but when done opposition will grant them a power that will serve as a foil to the ability so analyzed, functioning at the opposition power rank.

With the exception of other power control powers, the new capability can be just about anything else in the game - as long as it directly counters the analyzed power. Mind you, this result need not be the same each time; when attempting to oppose fire generation, one might come up with fire control, cold generation, resistance to fire attacks, or even something as novel as air control, to render the flames inert via oxygen loss.

The possessor of opposition can decide which specific counter they wish to adopt for a given situation, and may even switch between them in the event that more than one is available - though this requires another turn, as if freshly analyzing a power to oppose in the first place. A capability granted by opposition lasts for as long as the opposing power menaces the possessor of this ability, plus 1d10 turns.

With the exception of lingering opposition abilities, this power is primarily useless against normal humans. Since ordinary folks have no powers to speak of, opposition can't really do anything about them - which might be a pain if the rabble approaches with torches and pitch forks. In the event of an angry mob (or police, or the IRS, or whatever), the hope is that one can get away before their opposition power fades on them!


Power Absorption
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 4 points per rank
Related Powers: empowerment, investment, link, power transfer, origin sense, power control.

Power absorption is an insidious ability that allows one character to steal the powers of another, and then use them as he or she sees fit.

Absorbing the power(s) of another requires physical contact with them, and the target can avoid the effect if they prevent such. If the rank of a character's power absorption is higher than that of the target's original power rank, said target may not use the absorbed ability while so affected. If the power to be absorbed was higher in rank than this ability, simply reduce its effectiveness by the power absorption rank number.

On that note, if the power rank to be absorbed is higher than this one, the wielder of this ability must roll a red Psyche (will) ACTION. Success means the power has been absorbed in a safe and manageable fashion, while failure indicates that the power source overloaded their power absorption, and the power absorber will be Stunned for 1d10 turns as a result.

Power absorption can also be used to absorb the ability scores of others. This works in the same fashion as the above, transferring points from the target's score to the absorber's on a point-per-point basis - to a maximum amount equal to the power absorption rank number. If any of one's ability scores are drained below Feeble (2) by the use of this power, they will be knocked unconscious for the duration of the absorption.

In its basic form, one can only use this power to absorb one ability or power from a target at a time. However, it can be enhanced during character generation, with each additional thing to be absorbed counting as one 'step' of enhancement. Alternately, one can achieve this with power stunts later on, each sequential increase in the number of things one can absorb being a separate stunt.

The amount of time that a power absorber can retain the powers they have absorbed from others depends on the ACTION roll made when the purloined abilities were first stolen. A green ACTION allows a power absorber to retain the stolen characteristics for a number of turns equal to its power rank number. A yellow ACTION extends this to minutes, while a red ACTION stretches this amount to hours.

But, you ask, what if one wants to steal the powers of another permanently? The ability to do this is considered an extreme enhancement of power absorption, either reducing its intensity by 4 CS or increasing its cost by sixteen points. Furthermore, permanently swiping the power(s) of another always requires that the power absorption power rank is higher than the power rank to be absorbed.

If these conditions are met, one can attempt to steal the power(s) of another with a red power ACTION. Targets of permanent power theft are allowed a Psyche ACTION to resist, losing the stolen power(s) or enhanced trait(s) on a semi-permanent basis if they fail. Victims of such theft can often find a means of restoring what has been lost, though this usually requires a special adventure or requirement (as if inventing something).

And once the victim of power absorption has managed this, he or she is quite likely to come looking for some serious payback.

Power Amplification
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: amplification, buttress, empowerment, investment, karma control, power attenuation, power boost, power control, psionic amplification, psionic control, sorcerous amplification, spell control, theonic amplification.

Power amplification allows its wielder to boost the effectiveness of another person's super-human abilities for a short period of time. When triggered, it will raise the effective rank of one power another person possesses, increasing it to either the power amplification rank or the power's ordinary rank +1 CS, whichever of the two happens to be higher at the time.

It doesn't matter the origins of the power to be enhanced, as long as it is inherent in nature. For example, power amplification can boost the output of another character's mutation-granted fire generation power, but not their eldritch bolt of fire spell. It may only affect one power at a time, and the enhanced rank it provides will only last for 1d10 turns - unless the effect is specifically concentrated upon.

Note that power amplification cannot directly affect ability scores.

Once it wears off, power amplification may not be used again on the same target for one hour - without degrading its relative utility, that is. For each additional use on a single target without a one hour 'cool down', power amplification loses -1 CS of its overall effectiveness for them. This is enough to neutralize its use upon powers more potent than itself, while more gradually reducing its use in other instances.

Power amplification works within Very Near distance of its possessor.

Power Attenuation
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: attenuation, empowerment, investment, karma control, nimiety, power amplification, power block, power control, psionic attenuation, sorcerous attenuation, theonic attenuation.

Power attenuation is the power to stifle one or more super-human powers, often a great means of containing whatever damage they can cause. Power attenuation works within Near range of its wielder, and an application of attenuation lasts for 1d10 turns unless specifically maintained on a target for longer periods of time - which may be necessary to keep them from retaliating for its use on their person.

Power attenuation works by deciding which power to dampen, and then applying this ability. Targets of power attenuation may attempt an ACTION with the power to be attenuated; if they can match the intensity of power attenuation, they successfully resist it. If victorious, attenuators may apply one negative Column Shift to the targeted power for each rank they have in this ability, negating it when reducing it to Shift 0.

For example, let us consider a hero who has this power at Amazing (50) rank. He's fighting an opponent with a distressing habit of immolating everything in the area with her Incredible (40) ranked fire generation. When using power attenuation on this foe, our hero can completely negate her fiery power if the target cannot pass a red power ACTION roll against this +1 CS assault on her super-powers.

A versatile ability, power attenuation can be wielded against multiple powers - whether they belong to one character or many. The trick, though, is that each doubling (always rounding up) of powers so dampened will reduce the effective rank of power attenuation by -1 CS - both for the purposes of overcoming the powers it is used against, and the maximum number of Column Shifts it can inflict upon them.

Returning to our example, say the foe of our power attenuator has four powers - and will readily use the others on our hero once her fire generation is knocked out. The power attenuator instead uses his ability against all of his foe's super tricks, and (again assuming she fails to resist) will reduce all her powers by -6 CS in rank. She can maybe use some powers, but those that fail to resist are now much less dangerous.

An attenuator can reduce this penalty somewhat by attempting to hamper less of a power's ranks than their maximum. For each -2 CS he or she chooses not to apply to the powers they are attacking, an attenuator can prevent the operating rank of this power from losing -1 CS of its overall effectiveness. This may not completely neutralize their foes, but allows an attenuator to 'even the playing field' considerably.

In time, a band of the power attenuator's foes gang up on him, sick and tired of being humiliated by him in singular combat. The attenuator may dull one power on each of his eight foes, though this reduces his power's effectiveness by -3 CS, allowing him only -5 CS of attenuation. By reducing his overall effect to only -3 CS, our heroic power attenuator can attempt this action with but a -2 CS penalty.

Splitting one's focus to attenuate multiple powers in this fashion tends to make this ability fail more often than not, however, unless they have it at a particularly high rank - which may just make it easier to go with the power block ability, instead. On the other hand, that option cuts off the wielder's own super-human capabilities, unlike power attenuation!

Power Block
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: empowerment, investment, power attenuation, power control.

Wielding power block, a character can prevent the use of ingrained powers within a wide area of effect. Power block functions on the Near range table, allowing its wielder to rapidly impair the operation of a variety of super-human beings - at least, those who fail an Endurance (res) ACTION roll against this power rank once it is active. Of course, power block also affects its wielder - and as its source, they may not resist its effects.

Power block prevents its user from wielding any other inherent super-human powers while it is active.

While power block does counter the use of inherent powers (such as those caused by accidents of Science, aberrant mutations, and even natural magical powers), it does not limit the use of equipment or learned talent-equivalents, such as spells or psionics. Power block lasts for 1d10 turns, or as long as one concentrates on keeping it active. While affected, victims may attempt to resist the power again each turn.

Power Control
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: deionic control, empowerment, investment, power absorption, power amplification, power attenuation, power block, power duplication, psionic control, spell control.

Power control is the potent ability to actively manipulate the form and function of super-human powers. It only works on abilities inherent to a character's physicality, not those ingrained in technology (equipment, cybernetics) or granted through talent-like abilities (spells, psionics). Furthermore, power control can only affect the powers of others - not those wielded by its possessor.

If a super-powered individual or the effects of their powers are present within Near range of the character with power control, he or she can attempt to seize control of such. If attempting to use this ability on a power effect free of its creator's body, this only requires an ACTION roll against its intensity. If the power is not in use or is otherwise internalized to its target, they are also allowed a Psyche (will) ACTION to resist.

Once the possessor of power control has taken control of the power of another, they can do any number of things with it. However, power control actions require a second ACTION roll, based on how complicated its wielder's intentions are. Redirecting the target of a power (pointing a laser beam away from oneself, or 'borrowing' the regeneration of another) requires a green power control ACTION roll.

Activating or inactivating a power already in play requires a yellow ACTION roll. This can range from being a nuisance to downright lethal, depending on how vital the power being tinkered with is to the survival of its possessor. Yellow ACTIONs also allow one to change minor details of a power's nature somewhat (perhaps changing that laser beam into something the power controller is more resistant to, such as fire).

A red power ACTION roll grants the power controller the ability to drastically alter the nature of a power, being able to turn it from any one power into any other. This might turn body armor into body transformation / water, or flight into matter generation (say, limited to creating gases that are volatile when exposed to air). Such applications are by far the most dangerous uses of power control - and the most lethal.

Luckily for a power controller's opponents, the effects of this power are highly transient in nature. They only last as long as the power controller is actively concentrating upon his or her changes. Furthermore, each turn someone is subject to power control (perhaps the power controller is 'borrowing' their abilities for a while), they may attempt another ACTION roll to resist its use on their person.

Power Duplication
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 4 points per rank
Related Powers: link, power control, psionic control, spell control, trace duplication.

This incredibly versatile ability allows its possessor to copy the super-human abilities of others, and use them as they see fit! Upon exposure to another person with ascendant powers (if they wander within Very Near distance), the power duplicator may attempt a power ACTION roll. As long as this ACTION does not fail - any color result besides white will do - he or she may copy one power from their new super-powered 'source'.

A duplicator can usually maintain a sizable stable of super-human powers at any given time. They can ultimately copy a number of powers equal to their power rank number. Should the duplicator reach their maximum number of duplicated super-powers, he or she can attempt to learn more, but will 'forget' how to wield a previously mastered ability. The choice of which power to delete is, of course, the duplicator's.

Each ability copied with power duplication will function at its power rank, not that of its source. This saves the duplicator a large amount of accounting, by preventing them from having to record the source and rank of each power they've assimilated. It also prevents them from having to seek out 'better' source material for higher ranking powers (or inadvertently copying powers at a rank much too potent for them to handle).

Of course, the important thing to keep in mind is that while characters can copy a large array of super-human abilities with this one, power duplication cannot generally manifest more than one power at a time. There is no time required to 'switch' from one power to another when using power duplication, but wielding two (or more) duplicated powers simultaneously is not something a duplicator can readily accomplish.

Not without enhancements, that is! For each additional duplicated ability one wishes to manifest at once, a duplicator must enhance this power by one step upon first gaining it. Wielding two duplicated powers simultaneously is a weak enhancement, three a strong enhancement, four a very strong enhancement, and five an extreme enhancement. This can get expensive quickly, but makes for a very versatile character.

Power Transfer
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: boon, empowerment, investment, link, power absorption.

The ability of power transfer lets its wielder share, either on a temporary or permanent basis, one or more of their super-powers. This requires contact with the would-be recipient of the wielder's powers, and generally their cooperation as well. Of course, one can forcibly implant super-powers if the target cannot pass an Endurance (res) ACTION roll against the power transfer power rank.

In some respects, this power is similar in nature to the investment ability - it renders the mundanes somewhat fantastic. However, one can only gift super-powers to others that they currently have access to, and furthermore, the use of power transfer diminishes the ranks of the super-power(s) to be granted by 1 CS for every 1 CS of power granted to the target of this ability.

The duration of a power transfer depends on an ACTION rolled when the power is used. A white ACTION allows a transfer to last a number of turns equal to this power rank. Green ACTIONs extend this duration to minutes instead of turns, yellow ACTIONs extend it to hours, and red ACTIONs extend it to days. A power transferal may, on a red ACTION, also be made permanent at the discretion of this power's wielder.

But once some (or all of) a power is permanently transferred, one cannot get it back. Such a transfer is only permanent so long as the recipient accounts for the Karmic balance required when gaining the ability, as is the case with any other newly acquired ability. This need not be done immediately as long as it is handled eventually, one way or another. If this doesn't happen, this gift is subject to the Plot.

Generally speaking, one cannot permanently gift power transfer to another person - the power resists its own removal. Its possessor can definitely lend the ability to others, as he or she can any other power, but it's recommended that one doesn't share this power with someone they've temporarily gifted one or more of their other abilities to, lest they somehow manage to pass them along to a third party!

As always, there are exceptions to such general rules, however. For example, a power set may include power transfer as a means of giving the whole thing to another individual - say, when the possessor of the power set is about to die. In the event of such instances, power transfer will travel along with the other abilities to be granted, which will leave the transfer's initiator completely powerless.

But then, that's kind of the point.

Psionic Amplification
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: amplification, buttress, power amplification, power boost, psionic absorption, psionic attenuation, psionic control, sorcerous amplification, theonic amplification.

Psionic amplification allows its wielder to boost the effectiveness of another person's psionic abilities, natural or trained, for a short period of time. When triggered, it will raise the effective rank of any one psionic another person possesses, increasing it to either the psionic amplification rank or the psionic's ordinary power rank +1 CS, whichever of the two happens to be higher at the time.

This power works within Very Near distance of its wielder, and it may only affect one power at a time. It lasts for 1d10 turns, unless the effect is specifically maintained longer.

Once it wears off, psionic amplification may not be used on the same target again for one hour - without degrading its relative utility, that is. For each additional use on a single target without a one hour 'cool down', psionic amplification loses -1 CS of its overall effectiveness for them. This is enough to neutralize its use upon powers more potent than itself, while more gradually reducing its use in other instances.

Psionic Attenuation
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: attenuation, nimiety, power attenuation, psionic amplification, psionic control, sorcerous attenuation, theonic attenuation.

Psionic attenuation is the ability to stifle the operating rank of one or more psionics, natural or trained, in one's vicinity. This power works on targets within Near range of its possessor, and the effects of the power last for only 1d10 turns, unless specifically maintained on a target for a longer period of time - which may be necessary to keep them from expressing their extreme ire regarding its use.

Psionic attenuation works by deciding which psionic ability to dampen, and then applying this power. Targets of psionic attenuation may attempt an ACTION with the power to be attenuated; if they can match the intensity of psionic attenuation, they successfully resist it. If victorious, attenuators may apply one negative Column Shift to the targeted psionic for each rank they have in this ability, negating it when reducing it to Shift 0.

For example, let us consider a psionic attenuator who has this power at Amazing (50) rank. She's fighting a psychoturge with the obnoxious habit of inundating everything in the area with his similarly ranked flux. When using power attenuation on this foe, our hero can completely negate his reality warping tendencies if the target cannot pass a yellow power ACTION against this assault on his super-powers of like rank.

A versatile power, psionic attenuation can be wielded against multiple powers - whether they belong to one character or many. The trick, though, is that each doubling (always rounding up) of psionics so dampened will reduce the effective rank of psionic attenuation by -1 CS - both for the purposes of overcoming the psionic abilities it is used against, and the maximum number of Column Shifts it can inflict upon them.

Returning to our example, say the foe of our psionic attenuator has eight powers - and will readily use the others on our hero once his flux is benched. The psionic attenuator instead uses this ability against all of her foe's super tricks, and (again assuming he fails to resist) will reduce all his psionics by 5 CS in rank. He can maybe use some psionic abilities, but those that fail to resist are now much less dangerous.

An attenuator can reduce this penalty somewhat by attempting to hamper less of a psionic's ranks than their maximum. For each -2 CS he or she chooses not to apply to the psionics they are attacking, an attenuator can prevent the operating rank of this power from losing -1 CS of its overall effectiveness. This may not completely neutralize their foes, but allows an attenuator to 'even the playing field' considerably.

One day, a band of rogue epsilons gang up on our psionic attenuator, fed up with her so readily shutting them down in combat. The attenuator may dull two psionics on each of her eight foes, though this reduces her power's effectiveness by -4 CS. By reducing her overall effect to only -2 CS, our heroic psionic attenuator can attempt this action with but a -3 CS penalty.

Splitting one's focus to attenuate multiple psionics in this fashion tends to make this ability fail more often than not, however, unless they have it at a particularly high rank - which may just make it easier to go with some other countermeasure for psionic abilities. On the other hand, psionic preventatives such as static field or antipsion generation have their own drawbacks to deal with, as well.

Psionic Control
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: deionic control, power control, psionic absorption, psionic amplification, psionic attenuation, spell control.

Psionic control is the potent ability to actively manipulate the very form and function of psionics. It only works on mental powers, whether inherent to the body or trained beyond mere biology, not other talent-based abilities (magical spells) or non-mental super-powers (built-in powers that aren't psionics). Furthermore, psionic control can only affect the mental powers of others - not those wielded by its possessor.

If a psi-active individual or the effects of their powers are present within Near range of the character with psionic control, he or she can attempt to seize control of such. If attempting to use this ability on a psionic effect free of its creator's body, this only requires an ACTION against its intensity. If the power is not in use or is otherwise internalized to its target, they are also allowed a Psyche (will) ACTION to resist.

Once the possessor of this ability has taken control of another person's psionic, they can do any number of things with it. However, psionic control actions require a second ACTION roll, based on how complicated its wielder's intentions are. Redirecting the target of a psionic (pointing an empathic hammer away from oneself, or 'borrowing' the invulnerability of another) requires a green psionic control ACTION.

Activating or inactivating a functioning psionic requires a yellow ACTION. This can range from being a nuisance to downright lethal, depending on how vital the power being tinkered with currently is to the survival of its possessor. Yellow ACTIONs also allow one to change minor details of a power's nature somewhat (perhaps turning that psi bolt into something the psionic controller is more resistant to, like raw force).

A red power ACTION grants the psionic controller the ability to drastically alter the nature of a psionic, being able to turn it from any one power into any other. This might transform armor into empathy, or propulsion into antimatter (almost guaranteeing a spectacular demise for the target). Such applications are by far the most dangerous uses of psionic control - and the most lethal.

Luckily for the opponents of a psionic controller, the effects of this power are highly transient in nature. They only last as long as the psionic controller is actively concentrating upon his or her changes. Furthermore, each turn someone is subject to psionic control (perhaps the psionic controller is 'borrowing' their psionics for a while), they may attempt another ACTION to resist its use on their person.


Sorcerous Amplification
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: amplification, buttress, power amplification, power boost, psionic amplification, sorcerous attenuation, spell control, thaumaturgical absorption, theonic amplification.

Sorcerous amplification allows its wielder to enhance the effectiveness of another person's magical abilities (either natural or learned) for a small amount of time. When triggered, sorcerous amplification will raise the rank of any one spell or spell-like power another person possesses, increasing it either to this power rank or the spell or spell-like power's rank +1 CS, whichever of the two is higher.

This power works within Very Near distance of its wielder, and it may only affect one magic ability at a time. It lasts for 1d10 turns, unless the effect is specifically maintained longer.

Once it wears off, sorcerous amplification may not be used on the same target again for one hour - without degrading its relative utility, that is. For each additional use on a single target without a one hour 'cool down', sorcerous amplification loses -1 CS of its overall effectiveness for them. This is enough to neutralize its use upon magic more potent than itself, while more gradually reducing its use in other instances.

Sorcerous Attenuation
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: attenuation, nimiety, power attenuation, psionic attenuation, sorcerous amplification, spell control, theonic attenuation.

Sorcerous attenuation is the ability to stifle the operating rank of one or more magical powers, natural or learned, in one's vicinity. This power works on targets within Near range of its possessor, and the effects of the power last for only 1d10 turns, unless specifically maintained on a target for a longer period of time - which may be required to prevent them from vigorously retaliating against its wielder.

This power works by deciding which magic ability to dampen, and then activating it. The targets of sorcerous attenuation may attempt an ACTION with the magic to be attenuated; if they can match the intensity of sorcerous attenuation, they successfully resist it. If victorious, attenuators may apply one negative Column Shift to the targeted sorcery for each rank they have in this ability, negating it when reducing it to Shift 0.

For example, let us consider a sorcerous attenuator who has this power at Amazing (50) rank. He's fighting an opponent with the destructive tendency to freeze everything in the area with his Monstrous (75) ranked eldritch bolt (cold). When using sorcerous attenuation on this foe, our hero can mostly negate his eldritch bolt if the target cannot pass a green power ACTION roll against this lesser assault on his spellcasting.

A versatile power, sorcerous attenuation can be wielded against multiple magics - whether they belong to one character or many. The trick, though, is that each doubling (always rounding up) of spells so dampened will reduce the effective rank of sorcerous attenuation by -1 CS - both for the purposes of overcoming the magic it is used against, and the maximum number of Column Shifts attenuation can inflict upon it all.

Returning to our example, say the foe of our attenuator has five spells - and will readily use the others on our hero if his eldritch bolt is neutered. The attenuator instead uses his ability against his foe's other four spells, which will each (assuming he fails to resist) suffer a -6 CS penalty on their rank. His foe can still use that eldritch bolt, but his other spells are now much less dangerous.

An attenuator can reduce this penalty somewhat by attempting to hamper magic at less than their maximum ability. For each -2 CS he or she chooses not to apply to the magic they are attacking, an attenuator can prevent the operating rank of this power from losing -1 CS of its overall effectiveness. This may not completely neuter their foes, but allows an attenuator to knock their mystic enemies down a peg or two.

In time, a coven of evil mages gang up on our sorcerous attenuator, sick and tired of him meddling in their plans. He may dull one spell on each of his four foes, though this reduces his power's effectiveness by -2 CS, allowing him only -6 CS of attenuation. By reducing his overall effect to only -4 CS, our heroic sorcerous attenuator can attempt this action with but a -1 CS penalty.

Splitting one's focus to attenuate multiple spells in this fashion tends to make this ability fail more often than not, unless they have it at a particularly high rank - which may just make it easier to go with some other sorcerous countermeasures, instead. This power is the most readily available to curtail the use of magic temporarily, however, without inflicting permanent harm on others.

Spectral Gestalt
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: corporeal gestalt, link, soul control.

A spectral gestalt is a composite entity created by the minds of several super-human individuals. When activated, this ability will create an all-new body for the merged minds to inhabit, comprised of the imaginary form of matter known as psychoplasm. The physical and mental ability scores of this transient body will be the average of its composite beings' scores, raised by +1 CS for each doubling of individuals who comprise it.

Two component minds will raise the ability scores by +1 CS, four component minds will raise them by +2 CS, and so on.

The powers a spectral gestalt possesses will be those of its constituent beings. All of its creators' powers can be wielded by this entity, and usually with greater intensity; the ranks a spectral gestalt uses its special abilities at gain a column shift equal to that which enhances its ability scores. Thus, a gestalt comprised of eight individuals will use all of their super-human abilities at a +3 CS!

Limited to a ceiling of the spectral gestalt power rank itself, that is.

At the same time, spectral gestalts often possess additional powers above and beyond those of its constituent entities. When this ability is first gained, its possessor has the option of placing one or more of their powers within the gestalt; they alone can't use them, but must build the gestalt to access the ability. Such placement counts as a strong limitation to the powers so constrained, and raises their final ranks by +2 CS.

The appearance of a spectral gestalt will usually be consistent, and is most often defined when the power is first acquired.

The personality of the created, imaginary being can be reflected in one of two ways - though this can vary, depending on its makeup. It may be a distinct, individual entity, which can act independent from and even converse with its constituent creators... who can also act on their own to a lesser extent. Of course, they do so at a -2 CS to all their ability and power ranks while their spectral gestalt is extant.

Alternately, the spectral gestalt may literally draw the minds of its creators into itself. This means multiple consciousnesses are active within it and able to use its abilities at once, though the gestalt is, of course, limited by the normal rules for multiple actions. This may cause a bit of confusion if its creators are at cross purposes or motivations, but can alternately allow an entire group to act as one.

Without the hassle of physically merging their bodies, as is necessary with a corporeal gestalt.

When defeated, a spectral gestalt channels a psychic backlash into its creators' minds. If it exists as a distinct, independent being, the spectral gestalt's defeat will merely prompt a Stun check on its constituent minds. If its creators' minds are actually within it when defeated, they will definitely be Stunned for 1d10 turns, perhaps more if the defeat of their spectral gestalt was particularly brutal.

Spell Control
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: deionic control, power control, psionic control, sorcerous amplification, sorcerous attenuation, thaumaturgical absorption.

Spell control is the potent power to actively manipulate the very form and function of magical abilities. It only works on magic spells or mystical powers inherent to the body of its target, not other talent-based abilities (psionics) or non-mystic super-powers (mutations). Furthermore, spell control can only affect the magical abilities of others - not those wielded by its possessor.

If a mystically inclined individual or the effects of their abilities are present within Near range of the spell controller, he or she may try to co-opt such. If attempting to use this ability on a magic effect free of its creator's body, this only requires an ACTION against its intensity. If the magical ability is not in use or is otherwise internalized to its target, its possessor is also allowed a Psyche (will) ACTION to resist.

Once the possessor of spell control has taken control of the magic of another, they can do any number of things with it. However, spell control actions require a second ACTION roll, based on how complicated its wielder's intentions are. Redirecting the target of a magic power or spell (pointing an eldritch bolt away from oneself, or 'borrowing' the body armor of another) requires a green spell control ACTION.

Activating or inactivating magic requires a yellow ACTION. This can range from being a nuisance to downright lethal, depending on how vital the wizardry being tinkered with is to the survival of its possessor. Yellow ACTIONs also allow one to change minor details of the magic's nature somewhat; perhaps, say, changing that eldritch bolt into something the spell controller is more resistant to, like a beam of feathers?

A red ACTION grants the spell controller the ability to drastically alter the nature of magic, being able to transform it from any one ability into any other they desire. This might turn a body armor spell into shrinking, or teleportation into dimensional transit, causing its wielder to blip off into parts wholly unknown. Such applications are by far the most potent uses of spell control - and the most lethal.

Luckily for the opponents of a spell controller, the effects of this ability are highly transient in nature. They only last as long as the spell controller is actively concentrating upon his or her changes. Furthermore, each turn someone is subject to spell control (perhaps the spell controller is 'borrowing' their abilities for a while), they may attempt another ACTION to resist its use on their person.

Super Vampirism
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: biological vampirism, decontamination, energy vampirism, origin sense, psionic vampirism, spectral vampirism, thaumaturgical vampirism, vampirism.

A rare vampiric variant, super vampirism allows its possessor to feed upon the super-human powers of others, using the purloined energies for a variety of effects. As do other forms of this ability, super vampirism requires physical contact with the would-be victim, who can resist the effects of this power if he or she can pass a Psyche (will) ACTION roll against its intensity.

If this ACTION roll fails, the target cannot physically break contact with the super vampire, and will begin to lose some of their super-human prowess. Each turn this power is applied to the target, a super vampire can drain an amount of power from them equal to this ability's power rank. This drain occurs on a point-per-point basis, usually diminishing the target's most potent power first and working down from there.

If this power is applied for more than one turn, the target is allowed an additional ACTION roll to resist each time they're up for more draining. Should the target ever succeed in this action, or the super vampire is forced to stop feeding (instead of doing so of his or her own volition), the victim will immediately acquire subsequent immunity to the super vampirism of their attacker.

However, this immunity doesn't extend to the super vampirism of other characters - or any other vampirism power the super vampire may happen to possess.

But what can a vampire do with this purloined ascendant energy, you ask? For starters, they can use it to recover lost Health. The victim's drained power can be added directly into the Health score of the super vampire, and if they're at full Health when they drain an amount of power equal to their super vampirism's power rank, the wielder of this power can enhance their physical and mental prowess considerably.

Every time the super vampire performs this action, they may add a +1 CS to their Strength, Endurance, and Psyche ranks, as well as all their powers (aside from this one, that is), for 1d100 turns. Unlike all other forms of vampirism, however, super vampirism allows its possessor to apply this bonus more than once, gaining up to +3 CS on the indicated ability scores and power ranks for the duration.

The risk in using this ability is twofold. First off, there's the danger of contagion. Draining a body of all its super-powers is considered a lethal attack. If the victim of such an attack fails their Kill check, they'll begin to lose Endurance ranks, until either first aid is administered or they die. If such an individual dies, they will rise again as an undead creature, a super vampire that feeds on the powers of others to live.

If they pass this Kill check, however, the victim will replace points lost in their various powers as if recovering from ability score damage.

Secondly, if a super vampire kills with this ability (whether accidentally or on purpose), they must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION against their own vampirism rank. If this ACTION fails, the vampire will become addicted to the super-powers of others, and will require them to function as well. While addicted, the character with super vampirism will suffer a loss of power each day they do not feed upon the powers of others.

This loss comes in the form of a -1 CS to their Strength, Endurance, and Psyche scores, as well as all of their power ranks (save for super vampirism, that is). To avoid this loss, the addicted vampire must drain an amount of power equal to their super vampirism rank daily, and if at a penalty, a like amount to recover each -1 CS lost to such. The only way to shake this addiction is to go cold turkey - and that's hard.

Withdrawal from the powers of others causes the CS penalties to mount, until the character's indicated ability scores and power ranks reach Shift 0. This prompts an Endurance ACTION roll, per a Kill result. If this ACTION fails, the character immediately dies, and will eventually rise as a super vampire themselves. If it succeeds, they may attempt a Psyche (will) ACTION roll to overcome their addiction.

If this Psyche ACTION succeeds, the character is 'cured', and may begin to recover lost ability and power ranks at a rate of +1 CS per day. If the Psyche ACTION fails, however, the character must wait another day, and repeat the Endurance ACTION to see if they live long enough to attempt another Psyche ACTION to beat the urge. This continues until the character either dies or overcomes their addiction.

If a character with super vampirism has ever been addicted to the powers of others, using it again may cause a relapse - even if they've physically recovered from the ordeal. Every time the character uses super vampirism afterwards, they must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION, the failure of which indicates an immediate relapse into vampiric addiction. If they pass this ACTION they'll be fine - at least, until next time.

Naturally, an undead creature dependent on the super-powers of others to live cannot shake this requirement. This process only applies to the still-living wielders of super vampirism, and not its many victims.

The ironic thing about super vampirism is that, unlike most other vampiric abilities, normal humans have little to fear from it. If somebody lacks powers of any stripe, this power cannot directly affect them at all. It can siphon off powers gained through aberrations of science, mystic tutoring, psionic schooling, or even deific design, but it won't do anything to the average, normal human adventurer.


Theonic Amplification
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: amplification, buttress, deionic control, power amplification, power boost, psionic amplification, sorcerous amplification, theonic absorption, theonic attenuation.

Theonic amplification allows its wielder to boost the effectiveness of another's deific abilities, whether inherent or granted, for a short period of time. When triggered, it will raise the effective rank of any one deionic ability another person possesses, increasing it to either the theonic amplification rank or the deific power's ordinary rank +1 CS, whichever of the two happens to be higher at the time.

This power works within Very Near distance of its wielder, and it may only affect one power at a time. It lasts for 1d10 turns, unless the effect is specifically maintained longer.

Once it wears off, theonic amplification may not be used on the same target for one hour - without degrading its relative effectiveness, that is. For each additional use on a single target without a one hour 'cool down', theonic amplification loses -1 CS of its potency for them. This is enough to neutralize its use upon powers more potent than itself, while more gradually reducing its use in other instances.

Theonic Attenuation
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: attenuation, nimiety, deionic control, power attenuation, psionic attenuation, sorcerous attenuation, theonic amplification.

Theonic attenuation is the ability to stifle the operational rank of one or more deific powers, inherent or granted, in one's vicinity. This power works on targets within Near range of its possessor, and the effects of the power last for only 1d10 turns, unless it is specifically maintained on a target for a longer period of time - which may be necessary to keep them from smiting a body for this transgression.

Theonic attenuation works simply by deciding which divine ability to dampen, and then applying this power. Targets of this ability may attempt an ACTION with the power to be attenuated; if they can match theonic attenuation's intensity, they successfully resist it. If victorious, the attenuator may apply one negative Column Shift to the targeted power for each rank they have in this ability, negating it when reducing it to Shift 0.

For example, let us consider a theonic attenuator who has this ability at Unearthly (100) rank. She's fighting a divine opponent with an unpredictable habit of reconfiguring local causality with her Monstrous (75) ranked faith power. When using theonic attenuation on this foe, our hero can completely negate her faith ability if the target cannot pass a red power ACTION roll against this superior assault on her godly might.

A versatile power, theonic attenuation can be wielded against multiple powers - whether they belong to one character or many. The trick, though, is that each doubling (always rounding up) of powers so dampened reduces the effective rank of theonic attenuation by -1 CS - both for the purposes of overcoming the powers it is used against, and the maximum number of Column Shifts it can inflict upon them.

Returning to our example, say the foe of our theonic attenuator has seven powers - and will readily use the others on our hero once her faith falters. The theonic attenuator instead uses her ability against all of her foe's divine tricks, and (again assuming she fails to resist) will reduce all her powers by -7 CS in rank. She can maybe use some powers, but those that fail to resist are now much less dangerous.

An attenuator can reduce this penalty somewhat by attempting to hamper less of a power's ranks than their maximum. For each -2 CS he or she chooses not to apply to the powers they are attacking, an attenuator can prevent the operating rank of this power from losing -1 CS of its overall effectiveness. This may not completely neutralize their foes, but allows an attenuator to 'even the playing field' considerably.

In time, the better half of a pantheon gangs up on our heroine, sick and tired of her incessant, heretical meddling. The theonic attenuator may dull one power on each of her sixteen foes, though this reduces her effectiveness by -4 CS, allowing her only -6 CS of attenuation. By reducing her overall attenuation effect to only -4 CS, our heroic attenuator can attempt this action with but a -3 CS penalty.

Splitting one's focus to attenuate multiple theonics in this fashion tends to make this ability fail more often than not, however, unless they have it at a particularly high rank - which may just make it easier to go with some form of antideionic attack, instead. On the other hand, that option tends to make a body an even greater target of divine retribution than a mere theonic attenuator!

Trace Duplication
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 4 points per rank
Related Powers: link, power duplication.

Trace duplication is a means by which one can analyze the remnants of power residue, whether chemical, energy, or whatever else, and use said power traces to copy the ability which created them. This is similar to power duplication, save that one need not get close to super-powered individuals to wield it. Performing this action merely requires a successful power ACTION roll (any non-white result will do).

A duplicator can maintain a large stable of super-human powers at any given time. He or she can ultimately copy a number of others' powers equal to their power rank. Should the duplicator reach their maximum amount of duplicated powers, they can attempt to learn more, but will 'forget' how to wield a previously mastered ability. The choice of which power to delete is, of course, the duplicator's.

Each ability copied with trace duplication will function at its power rank, not that of its source. This saves the duplicator a large amount of accounting, by preventing them from having to record the source and rank of each trace they've assimilated. It also precludes having to seek out 'better' trace material for higher ranking powers (or inadvertently copying powers at a rank too robust to handle).

An important consideration is that while one can copy a large array of super-human abilities with this power, trace duplication cannot generally manifest more than one at a time. There is no time required to 'switch' from one power to another when using trace duplication, but wielding two (or more) duplicated powers simultaneously is not something a duplicator can readily accomplish.

Without enhancements, that is. For each additional duplicated ability one wishes to manifest simultaneously, a duplicator must enhance this power by one step upon first gaining it. Wielding two duplicated powers simultaneously is a weak enhancement, three a strong enhancement, four a very strong enhancement, and five an extreme enhancement. This can get expensive quick, but makes for a very versatile character.


Variable Cybernetics
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: link, variable power, variable psionics, variable sorcery, variable talent.

A character with variable cybernetics can absorb the properties of any device into his or her body! When variable cybernetics is invoked, it can copy any technology within Very Near distance, and incorporate its characteristics into all, or a part of, its wielder. Variable cybernetics does not affect the source of the technology so copied, and said source may not even know (if it's alive) that it was duplicated.

Once a variable cybernetic is set, it remains available to the wielder of such until they duplicate another technology. This inherent device functions at its original score (if applicable), not the variable cybernetics rank. If the power is idle, the variable cybernetic can be rendered dormant, fading from one's body until used again (though a strong limitation would remove this capability).

Once the wielder of variable cybernetics copies a new technology, they 'forget' the old equipment and 'learn' the new gear. When the old form of variable cybernetics is forgotten, it is gone forever - unless copied again at a later date. While variable cybernetics can be used to acquire any technological capability, it does not function on inherent powers, knowledge-based ascendant abilities, or talents.

In other words, variable cybernetics could copy a flamethrower, but not fire generation or an eldritch blast of flames. Copying the properties of a device merely requires a green power ACTION roll.

Variable Power
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: link, roulette, variable cybernetics, variable psionics, variable sorcery, variable talent.

The character with a variable power is capable of trading in one super-human ability for another. When variable power is invoked, it can copy a super-human ability from anyone within Very Near range. This new power will function at the rank of the variable power ability, not its original score. It will not affect the source of the power, and said source may have no idea that his or her ability was duplicated.

Once the variable power is set, it remains available to the wielder of such until they duplicate a new power, at which point they 'forget' the old power and 'learn' the new one. When the old form of variable power is forgotten, it is gone forever - unless copied again at a later date. While variable power can be used to acquire any power, it does not function on technology, talents, or other knowledge.

In other words, it can copy something like a mutant power, but not a device or a learned skill-equivalent like a spell. Copying the powers of another merely requires a green power ACTION roll.

Variable Psionics
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: link, variable cybernetics, variable power, variable sorcery, variable talent.

Variable psionics is similar to the variable power ability, save that it is used to duplicate psionics. These can be either the learned talent-equivalents used by psis, or natural psionics a character may have access to (whether due to a fluke of brain chemistry, physical mutation, or whatever). Variable psionics, when used, can copy a psionic possessed by anyone within Very Near range with a simple green ACTION.

This new psionic will function at the variable psionics rank, not its original score. This won't affect the source of the psionic, and unless they're a superpsi, said source may have no idea that one of their powers was duplicated. Once the variable psionic is set, it remains available to the wielder of such until they duplicate a new psionic, at which point they 'forget' the old one and 'learn' the new one.

When the old form of variable psionics is forgotten, it is gone forever - unless copied again at a later date. While variable psionics can be used to acquire any kind of psionic, it does not function on technology, regular or occult talents, or other knowledge. Furthermore, it cannot be used to copy non-psionic powers; while variable psionics could copy the metapsi body armor power, it couldn't copy the body armor spell.

Variable Sorcery
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: link, variable cybernetics, variable power, variable psionics, variable talent.

Variable sorcery is similar to the variable power ability, save that it is used to duplicate magic skills. These can be either the learned talent-equivalents used by sorcerers, or natural magic powers a character may have access to (whether due to mystic evolution, freak accidents, or whatever). Variable sorcery, when used, can copy a magic power possessed by anyone within Very Near range with a simple green ACTION.

This new magic power functions at the variable sorcery rank, not its original intensity. This won't affect the source of the magic power, and unless they're a paraprobabilitist, said source may have no idea that one of their tricks was duplicated. Once the variable sorcery power is set, it remains available to the wielder of such until they duplicate another magic power, at which point they 'forget' the old one and 'learn' the new one.

When the old form of variable sorcery is forgotten, it is gone forever - unless copied again at a later date. While variable sorcery can be used to acquire any kind of magic power, it does not function on technology, regular or psi talents, or other knowledge. Furthermore, it cannot be used to copy non-magical powers; while variable sorcery could copy the teleportation spell, it can't copy the equivalent non-magical or psionic abilities.

Variable Talent
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: special
Cost: 4 points (flat cost)
Related Powers: group link, knowledge, linguistics, link, ultimate talent, variable cybernetics, variable power, variable psionics, variable sorcery.

The character with a variable talent is capable of trading in one skill for another. When variable talent is invoked, it can copy a skill that anyone within one area possesses. This new skill will function at the level its original possessor had with it. Variable talent will not affect the source of the skill, and said source may in fact have no idea that his or her knowledge has been duplicated.

Once the variable talent is set, it remains available to the wielder of such until they duplicate a new skill, at which point they 'forget' the old talent and 'learn' the new one. Once the old form of variable talent is forgotten, it is gone forever - unless copied again at a later date. While variable talent can be used to acquire any skill, it does not function on powers of any stripe.

In other words, it can copy something like the physics talent, but not a mutant power, psionic ability, magical spell, or even a high tech device. Copying the talents of another is automatic - no ACTION roll required (as the power lacks a rank to speak of).


Weakness Generation
Type: Power Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: empowerment, investment.

The terrifying power of weakness generation allows its possessor to temporarily hobble others with debilitating character limitations. The target is allowed a Psyche (will) ACTION to resist the effects of this ability, but failing that, they are subject to its dastardly whims. Once its wielder successfully overcomes its target's resistance, they should roll a second ACTION, used to determine how severe this limitation is.

A white weakness generation ACTION indicates that a weak limitation or level 1 quirk has been imposed upon the target. Green ACTIONs with this power gift the target with a strong limitation or level 2 quirk. A yellow power ACTION using weakness generation grants others a very strong limitation or a level 3 quirk, and a red weakness generation power ACTION saddles another with an extreme limitation.

With the severity of the weakness to be imparted determined, one can determine how the target has been affected on the table below:

Generated Weaknesses
01-14Enervation15-28Initiative Penalty29-43Langourous
44-57Power Limitations58-72Quirk *73-86Susceptibility

* If determining an 'extreme' limitation, ignore this result and roll again, for there is no such thing as a level 4 quirk.

For example, after bowling over the resistance of one's foe, a weakness generator rolls a yellow power ACTION, and then rolls on the above table to come up with a weakness. This means they impart a very strong weakness onto their enemy, which according to the Power Customization rules means their powers will fail in the presence of a substance that can be acquired without too much trouble (player's choice).

The amount of time one's foe is subject to this artificial limitation is determined by a second power ACTION, rolled once its nature is found. A white weakness generation ACTION lets it last for only 1d10 turns. A green ACTION extends the duration to a number of turns equal to its power number, yellow ACTIONs to like number of minutes, and a red weakness generation ACTION allows it to last for that many hours.

Once this time expires, the target returns to normal. Assuming this surprise curtailment didn't get him or her killed in the meantime, that is.

Return to the Transnormal Treatise!

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