Energy Control Powers
Energy control powers are those which can be used to manipulate extant energy in a variety of ways. Whether it only affects a specific form of energy or can alter any energy form with like ability, an energy control affords its wielder great sway over his or her environment. There are thirty known energy control powers, with even more likely just waiting to be discovered!
C | D | E | F | H | I | K | L | M | O | P | R | S | T | V |
Celestial Light Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, celestial light generation, energy cohesion, theonic sense.
Celestial light control is a strange ability which allows its wielder mastery of an unusual form of energy. Unlike most other energy types, one can't easily squeeze celestial light out of readily available sources in one's environment, for it does not occur naturally in conventional spaces. Without a source of celestial light, whether it be the celestial light generation power or some deific artifact that creates it, this power is useless.
Once celestial light is uncovered, however, the character with this power may manipulate it as he or she sees fit - assuming they can pass a power ACTION roll against its intensity, that is. Once this is done, a celestial light controller can increase the intensity of mastered celestial light up to a level equal to this power rank, reduce it by a like amount, or shape and contour its flow and very form in any fashion desired.
The easiest application of this shaping allows a celestial light controller to simulate power rank resistance to such, preventing it from coming into contact with him or her. This makes a controller of these energies much more potent in the realms of the gods, as the minions of such deific beings, as well as many divine beings themselves, make ready use of it to awe their followers as well as to combat their enemies.
Of course, the creation of constructs made from semi-coherent celestial light can also be mastered, as power stunts for each general type. Anything one can construct out of mundane light can also be created with celestial light, though again, such constructs inflict devastating Deionic damage with each attack they are used to make - often enough to give even the most powerful ascendant humans pause!
Celestial light control functions within Near distance of its wielder.
Darkness Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, darkness generation, dimensional interface, dimensional transit, emotion control (fear), energy cohesion, teleportation.
The ability to control darkness isn't a direct means of negating light, so much as the power to manipulate this otherworldly form of energy. Darkness control does not, in and of itself, give a body the ability to generate darkness, only the power to manipulate such once it is extant. This control is typically achieved by passing a power ACTION against the intensity of darkness, where available, in the environment.
Darkness control functions within Near distance of its wielder, being capable of increasing any ambient darkness up to its power rank in intensity, or reducing it by a like amount - and likely extinguishing it as a result. A darkness controller can also shape ambient darkness as is desired, simulating resistance to such by making it flow around themselves, or otherwise moving it about in any way they see fit.
Making specific constructs out of mystical darkness is also possible, though a darkness controller must master a power stunt for each general type of such they wish to produce. Darkness can come in a variety of different consistencies, after all, from wispy and smoky to strongly resembling tar. This allows for the easy creation of darkness restraints, barriers, or even semi-sentient (and transient) creatures of blackest night!
Mind you, one can also just direct extant darkness at a foe, inflicting its current intensity in Sorcerous damage, as well.
But what if a darkness controller has no darkness handy, and lacks the ability to create it, you ask? That's where the mystical properties of this power comes in handy. As either a strong enhancement or as a power stunt, a darkness controller can learn how to manipulate regular shadows, shaping them as if they were actual darkness - despite the fact that a shadow, in and of itself, has no magical properties.
Electricity Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, electricity generation, energy cohesion, magnetism control, mesmermechanism, radiation control, transception, weather control.
Electricity control is the power to manipulate electrical potentials in the environment around its wielder. It may affect any active electrical impulses within Near range of its possessor, if he or she can first pass a power ACTION roll against the intensity of the ambient electricity to be manipulated - or, alternately, the power rank of a character with electricity generation or control that is currently using it.
Electricity that is under the command of this power can be amplified to an intensity that is equal to its power rank number - or reduced by a like amount. It can also be redirected as desired, the electrons that comprise a given source of electricity moving in any fashion imaginable thanks to modified, ambient electrical potentials. Creating free-standing 'objects' out of lightning requires a power stunt for each kind, however.
While electricity control cannot actually create electricity (that's basically the point of the electricity generation ability), it can easily work with any such energy within its range - even sources as small as the static discharge caused by one's clothing! In a pinch, one can even draw upon the electricity within their own nervous system to attack others - though doing so inflicts power rank Energy damage to their own body.
Similarly, a direct attack on the neurological energy of a target will inflict like power rank damage, though others are always allowed an Endurance (res) ACTION roll to resist such manipulations of their bodies. Of course, resistance to either energy or metabolic attacks, or even just electricity itself, will help a person avoid being damaged in such a tricky manner.
Energy Absorption
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: energy sense, kinetic absorption, psionic absorption, thaumaturgical absorption, theonic absorption, various specific energy generation and control powers.
This potent ability makes its possessor something of a sponge, capable of soaking up ambient energy for a variety of different purposes. When this ability is first acquired, its wielder may only absorb one form of energy to start with, though he or she can acquire additional energy forms as power stunts when desired. By soaking up this energy, the absorber can prevent it from harming either themselves or others.
An absorber can internalize an amount of energy equal to this ability's rank number each round; superfluous amounts inflict damage normally. Of course, the character can store more than they can absorb at any one point; energy absorbers can fill a 'tank' of energy equal to their power rank number times five. If one attempts to absorb more than they can contain, this power will function normally, but the excess energies will be lost.
Wielding this pool of power, an energy absorber can produce a variety of useful effects whenever the need arises. He or she can use it to replenish lost Health, doing so on a point-per-point basis. In fact, if one's Health is at its normal maximum, an energy absorber can 'pad' it with absorbed energy, doing so until their Health is at up to twice the sum of their Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance scores.
Likewise, one can use absorbed energy to bolster their physical ability scores, shunting purloined energies into their Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance on a point-per-point basis, raising them either to this power rank in might (if less than the energy absorption rank) or by +1 CS (if equal to or greater than the energy absorption rank). Such enhancements will only last for 1d10 turns.
Finally, absorbed energy can be directly released back into the environment - as a devastating attack! One can emit absorbed energy as power blasts, doing so at an intensity equal to this ability's rank, and consuming that much power with each use. This energy will be the same kind that was initially absorbed, or a mix of them all when multiple forms of energy have been collected, and thus have the same side effects.
Energy Cohesion
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: energy sense, image projection, imaginary doubles, transduction, various specific energy generation and control powers.
Energy cohesion is the ability to transform ordinarily immaterial energies into a seemingly substantial power matrix. When so transformed, energy takes on the semblance of solid matter, the shape of which is solely limited by the imagination of this ability's possessor. Such 'solidified' energy will maintain that state indefinitely, unless specifically reverted by the wielder of energy cohesion or if damaged somehow.
To render a form of energy solid, one must pass an energy cohesion power ACTION roll against either the intensity of the energy to be solidified or the power rank of the ability controlling it (if opposing the constructs of an energy controller). Energies so transformed aren't inherently harmful to the touch, but will give hints as to their true nature (cohesive fire will glow orange and flicker, for example).
Once rendered solid, energies will possess an effective material strength equal to this power rank - no matter the solidified energy's original intensity. This makes them great for producing anything from personal body armor to restraints to contain enemies to large, pretend creatures to harass others. The creator of a solidified energy object may manipulate it as if he or she possessed similarly ranked object animation.
If broken by an attack, solidified energies immediately revert to their original state. This process inflicts damage equal to the original intensity of the solidified energy -1 CS, of its normal type, against the person or thing who broke the solidified energy matrix - if they're adjacent to it.
When intentionally reverted, solidified energies are usually dissipated harmlessly - unless such power is redirected by the use of other abilities, or otherwise re-formed into a different solid by this ability.
Energy cohesion can be used against living targets, often by converting the heat permeating their entire bodies into a solid form. This is considered a Metabolic attack, inflicting like damage - and may be resisted by the target's Endurance (res) score. In addition to taking damage from successful attacks of this sort, one must pass a Strength ACTION against the MS of their own solidified heat to even move!
This ability may be used on any form of energy present within Near distance of its wielder.
Energy Projection
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: astral projection, clone projection, dream projection, object projection, various specific energy generation and control powers (depending on the type of energy projected).
When activating energy projection, the possessor of this ability creates an energy matrix for his or her consciousness to inhabit, and projects their very mind into it. This energy packet in and of itself is not potent enough to inflict damage upon contact; all of its power is initially focused towards housing the consciousness within. Unencumbered by mass, this energy field can fly at speeds determined by the space speed table.
Regardless of its actual energy composition.
Generally, it is assumed that this energy field is visible, typically resembling the character who created it. This is not always the case, however, depending on the form of energy used to create this energy packet that houses one's mind. An energy projection may actually look like anything one wishes, though changing its form (from its original appearance) often requires the mastery of a power stunt to achieve just that.
Similarly, it is assumed that, even if one isn't using sound to house their consciousness, that one has the ability to create such. This allows the energy projector to communicate with others while this ability is active. One can learn to generate more intense levels of sound, as well as other forms of energy (likely that which their energy projection is comprised of) as power stunts of this ability as well.
Energy projection is an action which must be maintained consciously, but this may be done for quite a while; energy projection has a maximum safe duration equal to its rank in hours. For example, a character with Shift X (150) energy projection may shed their consciousness and let it wander the earth for almost a week at a time. Food and water only become an issue after several days, however.
This is because while energy projecting, the character's body remains in a coma-like state, burning little energy (per the Trance talent). It must have air to breathe, but it is otherwise inert, and need not consume food or water until the projection is complete. At this point the energy projector, if they've been gone for a good long time, may need to consume large amounts of food and water to recover.
While projecting, the character's mind effectively has no mass, which may cause complications in the event of combat. One's ability scores mostly remain the same, though the energy projector has no Strength (being comprised of energy, and intangible). Any magic, psionic, or deionic items a projector possesses will accompany them as part of their self-image, though they function for the energy projection at a -2 CS.
Finally, energy projection has no range limits to speak of. Its wielder's mind may wander far and wide while the power is active, traveling as far as the energy which comprises it can carry them.
Energy Vampirism
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: biological vampirism, decontamination, energy sense, psionic vampirism, spectral vampirism, super vampirism, thaumaturgical vampirism, vampirism.
Energy vampirism allows its wielder to feed upon the power contained within various items, phenomenon, or persons in the environment, mainly to recover lost Health. As do other forms of this ability, energy vampirism requires contact with its would-be victim. Upon touching the target, an energy vampire may drain amount of energy from it equal to this power rank - assuming the target has that much stored within.
Inanimate objects possess varying amounts of energy, dependent on their nature; fuel and batteries are great for a quick pick-me-up. Energy attacks and ambient power sources like open flames can be absorbed by an energy vampire as direct nourishment, by passing a power ACTION roll against their intensity each time. Direct sunlight can provide an energy vampire with a Feeble (2) amount of energy over the course of a day.
Draining a living or sentient creature is a bit trickier, for they can actually fight back - or, at the very least, resist this power. The energy inherent to a living being (whether an ordinary human or even a robot) can be represented by their Endurance score. The potential of energy-based life forms should instead be their Health score, as they're (naturally) a much more energetic target, and should have more to drain.
An energy vampire can attempt to drain the energy stored in a body, but said body must fail a Psyche (will) ACTION opposed by the rank of this power first. If this ACTION fails, the energy vampire may drain their victim of as much or as little energy as they wish, up to their power rank number, each turn. Every additional turn an energy vampire attempts to feed, the target is allowed another Psyche (will) ACTION roll to resist the power.
If this resistance ACTION is successful at any point during the feeding process, the target will immediately repulse the energy vampire, gaining immunity from further assaults with this power from this energy vampire (though not from other characters with this ability or any other vampiric powers the assailant may possess). Upon managing this, the target should note this resistance in the event of future assaults (just in case).
If an energy vampire is at full Health when he or she drains their power rank in energy, they will receive a +1 CS to their Strength, Endurance, Psyche, and all their power ranks save for this one (additional drains do not enhance them further). This boost lasts for 1d100 turns, after which point the character with energy vampirism will return to their normal capability. Gaining another, like boost requires another feeding.
The danger in using this ability against people is twofold. First off, there's the risk of contagion. Draining someone of their energy completely can be lethal. If the victim of such an attack fails their Kill check, they'll begin to lose Endurance ranks until either first aid is administered or they die. If such an individual dies, they'll rise again as an undead creature, an energy vampire that requires vast amounts of power to survive.
Secondly, if an energy vampire kills with this ability, he or she must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION roll against the intensity of their own energy vampirism. If this ACTION roll fails, the energy vampire will become addicted to the energy within others, and now require it to function also. While addicted, the character with energy vampirism will suffer a loss of power each day they do not feed upon living energy.
This loss comes in the form of a -1 CS to their Strength, Endurance, and Psyche scores, as well as all their power ranks (save for this one). To avoid this loss, the addicted energy vampire must drain an amount of bodily power equal to his or her energy vampirism rank each day, and if at a penalty, a like amount to recover each -1 CS lost. The only way to shake this addiction is to go cold turkey - and that's not easy.
Withdrawal from the metabolic energy of others causes the CS penalties to mount, until the character's indicated ability scores and power ranks reach Shift 0. This prompts an Endurance ACTION roll, per a Kill result. If this ACTION fails, the character immediately dies, and will eventually rise as an energy vampire as well. If it succeeds, they may attempt a Psyche (will) ACTION roll to overcome their addiction.
If this Psyche ACTION succeeds, the character is 'cured', and may begin to recover lost ability and power ranks at a rate of +1 CS per day. If the Psyche ACTION fails, however, the character must wait another day, and repeat the Endurance ACTION to see if they live long enough to attempt another Psyche ACTION to beat the urge. This continues until the character either dies or manages to defeat their addiction.
If a character with energy vampirism has ever been addicted to the metabolic energies of others, using the ability against others again may cause a relapse - even if they've physically recovered from the ordeal. Every time the character uses energy vampirism on the living afterwards, he or she must pass a Psyche (will) ACTION roll, the failure of which indicates an immediate relapse into addiction.
If they pass this ACTION roll they'll be fine - at least, until the next use of the power.
Naturally, an undead creature dependent on the energies of others to live cannot shake this requirement. The process of sloughing off energy addiction only applies to still-living wielders of energy vampirism, and not its many victims.
Fire Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, energy cohesion, fire generation, infravision, temperature control.
The power to control fire is the ability to alter flames, open or otherwise, as its wielder sees fit. It can readily function on any blaze within Near distance of the character who possesses it, assuming that he, she, or it can first pass a power ACTION roll against the intensity of said flames - or the fire control power of another character affecting them. Once control of a flame is achieved, a fire controller may manipulate it as desired.
The easiest means by which a fire controller may manipulate flames is by altering their intensity. Such may be increased to a level equal to the fire control power rank number, or reduced by a like amount (likely extinguishing it in the process). This technique can be used to enhance the power of fire generation, whether wielded by the fire controller or anyone else, or alternately to prevent that power from working at all!
Fire controllers can also manipulate the shape of flames, either to simulate a resistance to such by making fire flow around themselves, or when producing fire-based energy constructs. A character must master a power stunt with each general shape he or she wishes to craft out of flames with fire control, though this allows them to build anything from flaming restraints to fiery, semi-sentient minions to do their bidding!
Such constructs will last for as long as their existence is concentrated upon, and they will revert to 'ordinary' flames upon the cessation of such. This may involve them rapidly going out or spreading out of control, depending on the materials surrounding them at the time.
Force Field
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: deflection, force blast, kinetic energy control, kinetic focus, psi web, telekinesis.
Force fields are powerful, coherent energy barriers. They can come in a variety of configurations, whether wrapped tightly around one's body, in a large bubble surrounding an area, or perhaps just a specific wall or plane. The creator of a force field may generate this barrier in any shape desired, though he or she can limit their force fields to the production of just one as a weak limitation to this ability.
Force fields are primarily defensive in nature, and being comprised of energy, however coherent and seemingly solid it may be, work best against energy-based assaults. Such attacks are anything that inflict Energy or Force damage, ranging from fire to electricity to radiation to lasers to force blasts to sound to heat to cold. All attacks of this stripe are resisted by a force field at its full intensity.
On the other hand, a force field offers -1 CS resistance against physical attacks; while it may feel quite solid to the touch, a force field is simply a highly coherent energy field. Such attack forms are anything which inflicts Blunt Attack, Edged Attack, Blunt Throwing, Edged Throwing, or even Shooting damage. Though slightly disadvantaged against them, force fields still work quite well against physical attack.
As is the case with other conventional defenses, such as body armor, a force field is increasingly less effective against more esoteric damage types. Force fields provide -4 CS protection against Sorcerous damage, -6 CS protection against Karmic assault, and -8 CS against attacks of a Deionic nature. This is representative of the idea that such attack forms are further and further out there on the probability curve.
The exception to this is if a force field is generated by a like power source. A magical force field will work just as well against Sorcerous damage as it can against Energy, while a psionic force field is equally protective against Karmic damage as it is Energy. This exception applies whether the power is a 'base' magical spell, psionic power, or deionic ability, or a power stunt off of another such skill.
Generally, the protection a force field offers is abbreviated as follows, in the order of physical attack, energy attack, sorcerous attack, psionic attack, and then deionic attack - keeping in mind that 'special origin' fields will cover their own type differently:
Power Rank -1 CS / Power Rank / Power Rank -4 CS / Power Rank -6 CS / Power Rank -8 CS
As stated in the beginning, a force field can be generated in a variety of different configurations - if not limited to but one to begin with. When protecting any space up to one area in size or less, the force field will offer its full protective qualities. For every additional area so shielded, a force field will suffer from a -1 CS to its effective power rank, affecting the above resistances accordingly.
When struck with damage, a force field will absorb and deflect any amount equal to or less than its listed rating of protection. Whenever any damage in a single attack exceeds this rating, however, the force field will fail - unless its creator can pass a power ACTION roll each time the field is punctured. If this ACTION is successful, the force field will hold, its creator being able to reinforce the field's integrity before it collapses.
In addition to their mainly defensive purpose, force fields can be used more aggressively, usually as a power stunt. A wall or bubble style of field can easily be used to contain others, who cannot escape the area so warded unless they can overcome the power rank of the force field with attacks of their own. Expanding a small force field inside something (or someone!) can be used to inflict power rank damage.
Force fields can also be used to simulate a variety of other powers, making them a great 'shell' for other abilities to work around.
Hellfire Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, energy absorption (hellfire), energy cohesion, hellfire generation, magic sense.
Hellfire control is an unusual ability which allows its wielder mastery over an unnatural form of energy. Unlike most other energy types, one cannot readily squeeze hellfire out of easily available sources in the environment, for it does not occur naturally in a conventional continuity. Without a source of hellfire, whether it be the hellfire generation power or some artifact or alien matter that emits it, this power is useless.
Once hellfire is uncovered, however, the character with this power may manipulate it as he or she sees fit - assuming they can pass a power ACTION roll against its intensity, that is. Once this is done, a hellfire controller can increase the intensity of mastered hellfire up to a level equal to this power rank, reduce it by a like amount, or shape and contour its flow and very form in any fashion desired.
The simplest application of this shaping allows a hellfire controller to simulate power rank resistance to hellfire, preventing it from coming into contact with him or her. This is particularly important since hellfire has such a deleterious effect on the very shape of things, due to its inherent Probability Fallout. Of course, the creation of hellfire constructs can also be mastered, as power stunts for each general type.
A particularly useful aspect of hellfire control is the ability to hold some sway over the nature of changes wrought upon matter by hellfire itself. When something is altered by hellfire's PF radiation, a hellfire controller can attempt a power ACTION, opposed by the Psyche (will) or MS of a target, to determine the general nature of such changes. This control is never precise, but it beats a completely random alteration.
And lets a hellfire controller potentially neutralize a foe without necessarily burning them (completely) to a crisp!
Hellfire control functions within Near distance of its wielder.
Image Projection
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: energy cohesion, heat generation, imaginary doubles, invisibility, light generation, light control, pain, redolence, sound generation, sound control, temperature control.
This potent ability allows its wielder to generate three-dimensional audiovisual entities directly from his or her imagination. These images are constructed of audible sound and visible light, and as such may be perceived by electronic sensors as well as sentient beings. They may be photo-realistic, fanciful and/or cartoon-like, or even random displays of sound and light.
Image projection itself functions within Near range, though effective use of the power is really limited to the area the wielder currently occupies; any further away and you run into limits of human vision, as well as unanticipated oddities of perspective such as the curvature of the earth. For each area a projection 'wanders' away from its creator, apply a -1 CS to the effective intensity of its believability.
Speaking of believability, characters subject to a projected image have no reason to disbelieve what they experience unless something tips them off to the fact that what they're perceiving isn't, in fact, real. This is no issue with unrealistic images, but if something looks right (say, a brick wall), there's no reason to assume it's fake unless something rings false (such as someone attempting to touch said wall).
Disbelieving a projection requires an Intuition ACTION roll against the rank of this ability, which may be easier with long distance projections (as stated earlier). If this ACTION is successful, the target can successfully shake off the projection, while a failure indicates the projectionist was able to maintain the charade somehow. Mind you, having mixed things up once, it's possible that other illusory phenomenon may be disbelieved as well.
It's important to note that image projections are just that - not real. They have no direct effect on the environment, and cannot actually cause characters damage... which is sort of the point. Projected images can be used to trick others into hurting themselves (walking over a cliff while believing a bridge was there), or to steer people in a direction of the projectionist's choosing, but the images themselves are not harmful.
Unless combined with other abilities. Of course, one can be made to believe that they have been injured by a projection. This is something of a psychosomatic response to a perceived attack, and is especially tricky for a projectionist to pull off. Each instance of illusory damage offers the possibility of disbelief, and no one can die from imaginary damage; anyone passing out or 'dying' from such will simply awaken in 1d10 turns.
A projected image lasts for as long as its creator concentrates on it - no more, no less. Full concentration on one's image projections is required to maintain a sense of believability, if this is in fact the intent. If this concentration wavers, subtle errors will creep into the projection temporarily, possibly prompting Intuition checks to verify if the charade is maintained or not.
Imaginary Doubles
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: body doubles, energy cohesion, energy doubles, heat generation, image projection, light generation, light control, mental doubles, redolence, sound generation, sound control, temperature control.
This curious ability allows its wielder to create transient doubles of themselves, false images that spring forth from his or her imagination! These images are constructed of audible sound and visible light, and as such may be perceived by electronic sensors as well as sentient beings. They are immaterial, and may not be affected by attacks that do not directly manipulate light or sound.
Characters with this ability may produce numerous duplicates at a time, the amount of such being equal to this rank number; for example, a character with Excellent (20) ranked imaginary doubles could manifest up to twenty doubles simultaneously. These are not actual doubles of their creator, and observers know for a fact that most of them are illusory in nature, but the trick is figuring out which one is 'real'.
If any.
Determining which version of the character is real requires passing an Intuition ACTION roll against this power rank; if successful, an observer can tell which one is the 'real' character. If not, he or she must identity the creator of the imaginary doubles through trial and error. This involves repeatedly picking one and hoping for the best; this is 1 in 21 odds for our Excellent (20) friend, above.
When first generated, imaginary doubles will manifest in the area their creator currently occupies, but can wander anywhere within with Near range; this allows them to move about and fulfill their other purpose. In addition to befuddling would-be opponents, imaginary doubles serve an additional role as extensions of their creator's senses. Said creator can see and hear anything one of their duplicates can!
This provides the wielder of imaginary doubles a limited form of both clairaudience and clairvoyance. While limited in both range and in the fact that their observation can be detected, it means their creator can use them for a variety of purposes, including reconnaissance and search and rescue. While their creator can only actively follow one at a time, they can keep an 'eye' out for something specific through all their doubles.
While imaginary doubles typically will resemble their creator exactly (assuming an accurate self-image at the moment), their creator can make one different than the others if he or she chooses. This requires a red ACTION roll, and can be used to make an intentionally 'off' looking imaginary double (to fool people looking for the odd man out in a set) or to even provide oneself an impromptu wardrobe change.
This works by literally manifesting the double on top of oneself. Of course, if the doubler is wearing little (if anything) beneath, this can be particularly awkward if their power cuts out at the wrong moment!
Kinetic Absorption
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: energy absorption, kinetic energy control, psionic absorption, thaumaturgical absorption, theonic absorption.
This dynamic ability allows its wielder to absorb direct physical damage, and to subsequently wield the purloined energy in several different fashions. Physical damage, as defined by this power, is any attack which inflicts Blunt Attack, Blunt Throwing, Edged Attack, Edged Throwing, Shooting, or Force damage - any attack form which inflicts these kinds of damage may be affected by kinetic absorption.
Using kinetic absorption, its possessor may attempt a power ACTION each time he or she is struck by one of the above attack forms, against the intensity of the damage inflicted. If this ACTION roll is successful, the character may funnel the energy of this attack into a pool of power. This power pool can hold an amount of energy that is equal to the kinetic absorption power rank multiplied by five.
For example, wielding this ability at Excellent (20) rank allows one to store a one hundred point power pool. This pool of purloined energy is depleted with each special use of the power on a point-per-point basis, no matter how said power is being wielded. If one attempts to absorb physical attacks when their pool is full, the power will work normally but this excess energy is lost.
But what can one do with such absorbed damage? Its main use is to recover lost Health points, quickly healing inflicted damage (if any). It can also be used to 'pad' one's Health score with excess energy. When used in this fashion, kinetic absorption can up to double one's Health score. This energy may also be released as a force blast, inflicting power rank Force damage with each devastating attack.
Alternately, the energy purloined by kinetic absorption may be used to enhance one's physical ability scores, raising their Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance. This boost lasts for 1d10 turns, after which point one's enhanced capabilities will return to normal. Enhanced abilities may be raised to the kinetic absorption power rank (if less than it in might) or by +1 CS (if equal to or greater than it in rank).
Kinetic Energy Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: flaying, force blast, force field, imaginary mass, kinetic absorption, kinetic focus, levitation, object charge, propulsion, telekinesis.
Kinetic energy control is the ability to manipulate matter in motion. It has no effect on most forms of energy, even if many carrier particles (such as electrons) possess a miniscule amount of mass. However, kinetic energy control can be used to directly counter attacks such as a force blast, as well as the use of telekinesis, despite both abilities usually being disassociated with mass themselves.
Controlling the motion of an object requires passing a power ACTION roll against the intensity of its speed (if moving) or its weight (if stationary). The former can be determined by comparing its speed to the appropriate chart; an object moving on the ground will use the land speed chart, while something flying will use the air speed chart, etc. The latter can simply be determined by checking the Strength table.
If this ACTION roll is successful, the target's motion can be redirected as desired. It can be stopped completely if in motion, or altered in any direction desired - even backwards! An object at rest can be given a velocity that is anywhere between zero and this power rank in intensity, using the appropriate chart to determine its speed. The effects of this power are instantaneous, but possibly transient.
This is because the target, if ambulatory, can continue to correct changes made in its momentum, requiring further use of this ability to control it. Similarly, inanimate objects without propulsion of their own will require repeated 'pushes' with this power to maintain the desired velocity under most circumstances; if not reinforced, their artificial movement will quickly grind to a halt.
Kinetic energy control may be opposed by general resistance to energy or warping attacks - or by a specific resistance to this ability in particular. Telekinesis can also work against it, though this may require contests of power from turn to turn.
Light Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: blending, carrier wave, circular vision, color control, image projection, imaginary doubles, invisibility, light generation, mesmerism, radiation control, sensory attenuation (vision).
Light control is the ability to manipulate extant electromagnetic radiation that conforms to what most humans perceive as visible light. While a character cannot actually create light with this power, he or she may nonetheless alter any light in their environment as they see fit. Such alterations invariably require that a light controller pass a power ACTION roll against the intensity of the light which they intend to manipulate.
The intensity of light may either be increased to a level equal to the light control power rank number, or reduced by a similar value. If light of equal or less intensity than the light control power rank is reduced, it may be completely eliminated in this fashion, which may well have the effect of blanketing an area (the maximum of which is everything within Near range) in absolute darkness.
The flow of light may be redirected as is desired. The simplest use of this aspect of light control allows its wielder to simulate power rank resistance to light attacks, as they may shunt light energy around their body when necessary. Other uses for the redirection of light involves making objects appear in places they are not, creating the illusion of movement around a target, or even generating holographic light displays.
Furthermore, controlled light can be used as a surprisingly powerful attack. Even as minimal a light source as a flashlight (or a match!) can be transformed into a deadly weapon by a light controller, focusing its glow into a powerful force blast, or with enough practice, a laser beam. If used in this fashion on light sources behind a target, that foe may not even know to dodge the attack - until it's too late, that is!
Magnetism Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, electricity control, energy cohesion, force field, magnetism generation.
Wielding magnetism control, a character can manipulate extant lines of magnetic force in their environment. While this character cannot actually generate magnetism, at least with this power alone, he or she may alter that which they encounter in their environment as they see fit - assuming, of course, that they can first pass a power ACTION roll against the intensity of such magnetism.
The simplest use for this power is the amplification or attenuation of magnetism present in one's vicinity - whether dealing with that generated by a transformer or a localized portion of the earth's magnetic field. Such magnetism can be increased to an intensity equal to this power rank number or reduced by a like amount, whichever the magnetism controller desires.
Alternately, the shape of magnetic lines of force can be altered with this ability, shunting magnetism around oneself to simulate a resistance to such energies, or otherwise molding it as is desired. Ferrous objects may be attracted to powerful magnetic fields, while diamagnetic objects will be repelled by such - a principle which lends itself to all manner of nasty power stunts with machinery or even organic creatures.
As electricity and magnetism are close cousins, one can learn how to manipulate electricity with magnetism control, shaping the flow of electrons with focused magnetic fields as a power stunt. This can be used to directly attack an opponent, doing so with bolts of electricity, or in a more indirect fashion, perhaps by causing their advanced technology to malfunction (or even overload).
Some less intuitive stunts that one can master with magnetism control involves the manipulation of materials that are neither ferrous nor diamagnetic, done via the alteration of the earth's magnetic field itself. This is how many magnetism controllers can generate a force field, protecting themselves from all manner of attacks!
Magnetism control works within Near distance of its wielder.
Object Charge
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: kinetic energy control, kinetic focus, object hardening, telekinesis.
Characters with the ability to charge objects can impart an incredible amount of potential energy into them when held, a potential that will be released on contact with anything else - often explosively. When such contact is made, a charged item will release this artificial energy potential in the form of a detonation that inflicts power rank Energy damage to everything adjacent to where it explodes.
When this occurs, the object so charged must make a material strength check against the intensity of this power. If this ACTION roll fails, the charged item will be destroyed by its explosive discharge, the force of the blast tearing it asunder. If successful, the item may be recovered and even used again for this purpose, if desired. Assuming it's not stuck in something... or someone!
Psionic Absorption
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: energy absorption, kinetic absorption, psi sense, psionic amplification, thaumaturgical absorption, theonic absorption, various psionic powers.
This handy ability gives its wielder the power to absorb the energy inherent to psionics. Either when exposed to psionic energies of some sort, or when targeted by a variety of super-human mental abilities, psionic absorption allows its possessor to appropriate the cogitative power involved. By soaking up psionic energy, the absorber can prevent it from harming either themselves or others.
The thing to keep in mind is that psionic absorption only works on direct mental energy. One could absorb the power involved when a foe telekinetically grapples them, but not the blunt force trauma caused when said foe flings a toilet at them with that same ability. A good rule of thumb is that if a mental ability doesn't intimately interact with its target, psionic absorption can't be used to absorb its power.
At one time, an absorber can internalize an amount of energy equal to this ability's rank number; superfluous amounts inflict damage normally. Of course, the character can store more than they can absorb at any one point; psionic absorbers can fill a 'tank' of energy equal to their power rank number times five. If one attempts to absorb more than they can contain, this power will function normally, but excess energies are lost.
Wielding this pool of power, a psionic absorber can produce a variety of useful effects whenever the need arises. They can use it to replenish lost Health, doing so on a point-per-point basis. In fact, if one's Health is at its normal maximum, a psionic absorber can bolster it with absorbed energy, doing so until his or her Health is at up to twice the sum of their Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance scores.
Likewise, one can use absorbed psions to bolster their physical ability scores, shunting purloined psionic energies into their Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance on a point-per-point basis, raising them either to this power rank in effectiveness (if less than the psionic absorption rank) or by +1 CS (if equal to or greater than the psionic absorption rank). Such enhancements will only last for 1d10 turns.
Finally, absorbed psi force can be directly released back into the environment - as a devastating attack! One can emit absorbed psychic energy as psion blasts, doing so at an intensity equal to this ability's rank, and consuming that much power with each use. This attack form manifests as a physical (and visible) burst of energy, one which inflicts Karmic damage upon whoever it strikes.
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: force blast, kinetic focus, telekinesis.
Psychokinesis is the ability to transform the potential energy stored within matter into kinetic energy - with explosive results. When psychokinesis is applied to matter, it may resist the power in any way it is capable of; inanimate objects will roll a material strength check, while a living being is allowed an Endurance (res) ACTION. If this resistance is successful, the power fails, and nothing will happen.
But if the material is unsuccessful in resisting the effects of psychokinesis, it will suffer considerable damage. Inanimate objects will violently explode, their internal energies rent asunder, while living beings will suffer injuries akin to the exit wounds of bullets. This power rank damage, inflicted upon living beings, is Metabolic in nature. Body armor does not affect it unless all of one's cells are similarly hardened.
Damage reduction will, of course, as will resistance to energy (or force) attacks. Psychokinesis only functions on matter within Near distance of its wielder.
Radiation Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, electricity control, light control, radiation generation, radivision, transmutation, transparent vision, ultravision.
Radiation control is primarily the ability to manipulate extant electromagnetic waves with a length shorter than 400 nanometers. This describes higher energy photonic waves that are invisible to normal humans for the most part, including ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma radiation. A radiation controller can commandeer such energies within Near distance of his or her person, as they see fit.
This requires a successful power ACTION roll against the intensity of the radiation to be controlled.
Once control of a source of radioactivity is achieved, a radiation controller can alter it as he or she wishes. To start with, a radiation controller can increase the intensity of a source of radiation, no matter how weak, to a level equal to their power rank - or reduce it by the same amount. Where the naturally occurring radiation one encounters in everyday life is concerned, this is a great way to collect enough of it to wield offensively.
Similarly, the energy of photonic radiation can be upgraded or downgraded. A radiation controller can bump short wavelength radiation up to a higher or down to a lower frequency as is desired, changing ultraviolet light, x-rays, or gamma radiation into a different form - which either adds or increases Armor Piercing and SD damage effects for higher energy forms, or reduces/removes them in the event of lower energy forms.
Alternately, a radiation controller can also change photonic radiation into that carried by heavier particles - and vice versa. Doing this requires an interaction between the radiation in its current form and external materials, however. Said materials will allow the transduction of photonic radiation into that which uses heavier carrier particles, as well as the reverse, but this causes a -1 CS reduction in its overall intensity.
'Heavier' radiation formed in this manner includes alpha rays, beta rays, cosmic rays, and neutron radiation, and can be controlled as can ordinary photonic radiation - though at a like, -1 CS penalty.
The direction that radiation is flowing or otherwise being emitted can also be tinkered with. This allows a radiation controller to shunt radiation around his or her person, simulating a resistance to such, or to redirect it from one target to another. One particularly useful aspect of this function of radiation control is the containment of harmful energies within a radioactive object - preventing such power from harming others.
A dangerous use of radiation control is attacking opponents without their even knowing it. Short wavelength radiation is invisible, after all, and if attacking a foe with it from a random direction, he or she may not even realize what is happening until it's too late. Barring, of course, ascendant senses such as radivision or the energy sense. Or even something as simple as a Geiger counter!
Radio Wave Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, computer link, radar sense, radio wave generation, radivision, temperature control, transparent vision.
Radio wave control allows its possessor a full mastery of photonic energy in the radio wavelengths. This can consist of standard radio signals, whether they use amplitude (AM), frequency (FM), or phase (PM) modulation, microwaves used for communications or cooking, low-frequency RF noise caused by human activity, or even something as esoteric as terahertz-band radio waves (also known as t-rays).
Seizing control of radio wave energy requires a power ACTION rolled against either its intensity or the complexity of the information it conveys, whichever of the two is higher. Once this ACTION is successfully rolled, the radio wave controller may manipulate the radio wave energy as he or she sees fit. The easiest of such changes involves either raising its intensity to that of this power rank, or reducing it by a like amount.
Alternately, the flow of radio wave energy can be manipulated as desired, rerouting radio signals out of an area, redirecting microwave assaults, or even pointing all radio traffic at a target (whether oneself or anyone else). The energy can also be shaped into invisible, radio wave constructs if one wishes, though each kind of such requires the mastery of a power stunt (whether building invisible restraints or radio wave 'monsters').
Perhaps more interestingly, a radio wave controller can tinker with the information contained within a radio signal. This can involve changing words in a radio broadcast to something more to the controller's liking, adding funny hats or googly eyes to news anchors, and more. Altering audio requires a green ACTION, video necessitates a yellow ACTION, and wireless computer code needs a red ACTION to be legibly changed.
Radio wave control can manipulate radio energies within Near distance of its possessor.
Sound Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: carrier wave, energy cohesion, image projection, imaginary doubles, inaudibility, sonar sense, sound generation, vibration control, vocal control.
Sound control is the inherent ability to manipulate extant sounds to a variety of ends. One cannot use this power to actually generate sonic energies to control, but luckily any number of things in the environment, much less one's own body, can readily make noise that can be subsequently altered. Controlling a sound requires that the character with this power first pass an ACTION roll against its current intensity.
Once this is done, the sound controller may alter any sounds within Near distance of his or her person as they see fit. The volume, frequency, and/or pitch of a sound is all mutable at the command of a sound controller. Once he or she has mastered a given sound, he or she may increase the former up to an intensity equal to their power rank number, reduce the former by a like amount, or alter the latter two qualities as is desired.
In other words, a sound controller may thus reduce the intensity of or even eliminate any sound available, increase the volume of sound up to a value equal to their power rank number, or even change the frequencies and pitches of sound in a slight or extreme manner. These capabilities allow one to easily control information in an area, not to mention the possibility of sowing chaos and confusion.
The direction a sound is traveling can also be manipulated as is desired. By amplifying and redirecting existing sounds, sound controllers can effectively dish out damage as can a sound generator, turning something as simple as the bark of a dog or the snapping of one's fingers into a devastating attack. And even better, if the sound controller isn't the obvious source of such an attack, dodging it may be incredibly difficult!
Spectral Flame Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: astral projection, carrier wave, soul control, spectral flame generation, spectral freedom, spectral sense, spectral vampirism.
The power to control spectral flames permits its wielder to alter existing sources of this energy in any way desired - once he or she first passes a power ACTION roll against their intensity... or the opposing rank of another spectral flame controller attempting to manipulate the same energy. Spectral flame control operates on any source of these psi-active flames within Near distance of its possessor.
But where is such unnatural flame found? Most often, on the astral plane or other higher dimensions representative of the mind... or various aspects therein. This power can be incredibly dangerous in such realms, considering how readily one can find spectral flames there, making its wielder a powerful foe to reckon with when astrally projecting or simply walking the various planes of existence.
As can most energy control powers, spectral flame control may enhance the intensity of its subject up to its power rank in might, or reduce it by a like amount. Similarly, this power can be used to enhance or curtail the operation of spectral flame generation, which can manifest this 'mind fire' in the material realm, as can the dimensional interface power - or interdimensional portals left open for some reason.
This power can also shape ambient spectral flames, producing constructs out of such that require the mastery of a power stunt for each general type (restraints, semi-sentient minions of spectral flame, et cetera). The only problem with this is that, being responsive to the mental impulses of others, constructs comprised of spectral flames can occasionally take on a life all their own!
When this occurs, the spectral flame controller can either let them go about their business or attempt to regain control of the things, which might be only temporary if they manifest actual sentience.
Temperature Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: cold generation, fire control, heat generation, ice generation, image projection, imaginary doubles, infravision, radio wave control, solid animation, weather control.
Temperature control is the ability to manipulate thermal energies in one's environment. While both heat and cold generation involve similar such changes, temperature control can be wielded without inflicting direct damage to the matter in question. Furthermore, this power can affect much more matter than either of those abilities, being capable of altering the temperature of anything (or everything) within Near distance.
When invoked, a temperature controller must pass a power ACTION roll against the thermal intensity of whatever he or she wishes to heat or cool - or, alternately, the power rank responsible for generating such. If this ACTION is successful, the temperature of said object (or objects) can be decreased to room temperature, whatever that happens to be, or be imbued with heat or cold of up to this power's rank in intensity.
This acts as a great foil for characters with powers such as fire generation, cold or ice generation, or even plasma generation. Temperature control can take the wind right out of the sails of such abilities, removing the energies involved that make them go, or even amplifying them when desired (if, say, working to aid an ally).
Temperature control can also be used to drastically affect the environment during combat. Inundating an area with bone-chilling cold or brain-sapping heat makes fighting within much more difficult, and can lead to either hypothermia or heat exhaustion - or both, depending on how complex a change in the temperatures around oneself is made with temperature control!
Furthermore, as is the case with other energy control abilities, temperature control can seize direct control of thermal energies (whether they are 'hot' or 'cold' in nature) and shape them as its wielder sees fit. This can involve building, via power stunts, barriers of intense heat or cold, thermal constructs which work against others, or even semi-sentient thermal creatures, animated by the will of this power's possessor!
Or, of course, simply shaping them into a direct attack, to inflict power rank Energy damage.
Temporal Static
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: anchor, dimensional transit, time control, time travel.
In an ideal multiverse, everything stays where it's supposed to. Nobody goes gallivanting off into other time periods, timelines, or the like. Reality rarely reflects this ideal, however, what with people roaming all over the place for one reason or another, and this is where mishaps occur. Worse, when something isn't occupying its appropriate fourth, fifth, or sixth-dimensional coordinates, it builds up a sort of temporal charge.
This charge, or energy potential, is known as temporal static.
Nominally, this buildup of energy will dissipate once the person or thing which is out of place in higher dimensions returns to its 'rightful' coordinates. A character with this ability can instead collect accumulating temporal static, and manipulate it as they see fit. In practice, this ability can shape the power involved as can any other energy control power, and its possessor may even wield it as a devastating energy attack!
A blast of temporal static appears like ordinary lightning, albeit of a different color than is usual (possibly emerald green, for instance, but definitely something distinctive). It can be used on any target within Near distance of the wielder of this power, and inflicts standard Energy damage against most individuals, but has additional affects when wielded against someone or something displaced in higher dimensions.
If a time traveler, cross-time wanderer, or plane walker is struck with temporal static, this Energy damage adopts an Armor Piercing component, and prompts an Endurance ACTION (or MS check) in the target. If this ACTION fails, the item or traveler so struck will be forcibly ejected from their current place and time, and are abruptly shunted back where they belong - making this an effective, if limited form of banishment!
Thaumaturgical Absorption
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: energy absorption, kinetic absorption, magic sense, psionic absorption, sorcerous amplification, theonic absorption.
This handy ability gives its wielder the power to absorb ambient magical energy. Either when exposed to sorcerous energies of some sort, or when targeted by a variety of supernatural spells, thaumaturgical absorption allows its possessor to appropriate the magical power involved. By soaking up thaumatic energy, the absorber can prevent it from harming either themselves or others.
The thing to keep in mind is that thaumaturgical absorption only works on direct magical energy. One could absorb the energy of a fiery eldritch bolt, but not the force of a boulder hurled with a telekinesis spell. A good rule of thumb is that if it doesn't intimately interact with its target, thaumaturgical absorption may not be used to absorb the power of a magical ability.
At one time, an absorber can internalize an amount of energy equal to this ability's rank number; superfluous amounts inflict damage normally. On the other hand, the character can fill a 'tank' of energy that is equal to their power rank number times five. If one attempts to absorb more energy than they can contain, this power will function normally, but the excess energies will be lost.
Wielding this pool of power, a thaumaturgical absorber can produce a variety of useful effects whenever the need arises. They can use it to replenish lost Health, doing so on a point-per-point basis. In fact, if one's Health is at its normal maximum, a thaumaturgical absorber can 'pad' it with absorbed energy, doing so until their Health is at up to twice the sum of their Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance scores.
One can also use absorbed magic to bolster their physical ability scores, shunting purloined sorcerous energies into their Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance scores on a point-per-point basis, raising them either to this power rank in effectiveness (if less than the thaumaturgical absorption rank) or by +1 CS (if equal to or greater than the thaumaturgical absorption rank). Such enhancements last for 1d10 turns.
Finally, absorbed magical energy can be directly released back into the environment - as a devastating attack! One can emit absorbed sorcerous energy as 'generic' eldritch blasts, doing so at an intensity equal to this ability's rank, and consuming that much power with each use. This attack form manifests as a physical (and visible) burst of power, one which inflicts Sorcerous damage upon whoever it strikes.
Theonic Absorption
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: deionic control, energy absorption, kinetic absorption, psionic absorption, thaumaturgical absorption, theonic absorption, theonic sense.
Theonic absorption is the ability to draw ambient deionic energies into oneself. When exposed to direct deific forces of some sort, or perhaps when targeted by a variety of clerical spells or abilities granted by divine investment, theonic absorption allows its possessor to appropriate the power involved. By soaking up godly energy, the absorber can prevent it from harming either themselves or others.
The thing to keep in mind is that theonic absorption only works on direct deific energy. One could absorb the energy of a priestly eldritch bolt of ice or an actual deionic attack, but not the force of an automobile hurled with a signature telekinesis power. A good rule of thumb is that if it doesn't intimately interact with its target, theonic absorption may not be used to absorb the power of a deific attack ability.
At one time, an absorber can internalize an amount of energy equal to this ability's rank number; superfluous amounts inflict damage normally. On the other hand, the character can store an amount of energy equal to their power rank number times five. If one attempts to absorb more energy than he or she can contain, this power functions normally, but any excess energies are lost.
Wielding this pool of power, a theonic absorber can produce a variety of useful effects whenever the need arises. They may use it to replenish lost Health, doing so on a point-per-point basis. In fact, if one's Health is at its normal maximum, a theonic absorber can 'pad' it with absorbed energy, doing so until their Health is at up to twice the sum of their Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance scores.
One can also use absorbed power to bolster their physical ability scores, shunting purloined deific energies into their Fighting, Agility, Strength, or Endurance on a point-per-point basis, raising them either to this power rank in effectiveness (if less than the theonic absorption rank) or by +1 CS (if equal to or greater than the theonic absorption rank). Such enhancements only last for 1d10 turns.
Finally, absorbed deific energy can be directly released back into the environment - as a devastating attack! One can emit absorbed divine energy as 'generic' deionic attacks, doing so at an intensity equal to this ability's rank, and consuming that much power with each use. This attack form manifests as a physical (and visible) burst of power, one which inflicts Deionic damage upon whoever it strikes.
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: computer link, electricity control, electricity generation, linguistics, radio wave generation, technical intuition, technological sense.
Transception is the ability to perceive, send, and receive electronic signals - whether of a digital or analog nature.
It allows someone to 'see' the radio waves carrying audio, video, and data in the air or within computer cabling, and then process it in their mind such that they may experience the information stored within. This is great for watching free cable, eavesdropping on mobile phone calls, or even checking out what the neighbor is doing on the Internet... though one may not be able to unsee what transception shows them.
One can similarly use transception to emit like signals, sending them to remote systems such as cell phone towers, satellite receivers, or even through normal network routers via conventional cabling. This allows one the ability to communicate in a truly anonymous fashion, or at least in a fashion that is difficult to trace back to its original source - particularly since no equipment is involved!
The range transception functions at depends on how it is being used. It can decipher any signal passing through a space within Near distance of its wielder - which is also the furthest range it can transmit data to remote systems through the air. If wielding cable to physically interfere with a network or other system, however, transception can send signals anywhere that network is connected to.
This ability is a great way to extend the range of (and the inherent danger posed by) the computer link power.
Doing all of this usually only requires a green power ACTION roll. If the signal a character attempts to interact with is encrypted, however, one must pass the required ACTION at a negative column shift. This penalty ranges from -1 CS to -4 CS, depending on the signal's complexity, as the time spent decrypting the information makes it much harder to interact with signals in real-time.
This penalty can be reduced - if not transformed into a bonus - if the character also possesses the linguistics ability.
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank
Related Powers: color control, energy absorption, energy cohesion, various energy controls and resistances (particularly if limited to one form).
Transduction is the ability to transform one form of energy into another. It functions on the Very Near range table, but allows its wielder to transform any form of energy within that distance as they see fit. This is done by attempting an ACTION roll against the intensity of the ambient energy to be altered; if successful, the transducer will absorb the energy, process it into its new form, and then emit it at -1 CS intensity.
If this ACTION roll fails, the power to be transformed is too great, and its intensity is not lowered appreciably (at least on this attempt). Used defensively, transduction can make a character incredibly hard to defeat, though overwhelming them is always one distinct tactical possibility. Transduction is an active action, after all, and the character using it can only wield it so many times per turn.
Transduction can affect the nature of any physical or energy power source, either ambient or directed, but cannot alter or emit Sorcerous, Karmic, or Deionic energies - unless its wielder specifically has access to such. For example, a sorcerer could add energy forms which inflict Sorcerous damage to those they can transduce, while a psi could instead transduce Karmic attacks into something more mundane. Or vice versa.
While versatile, transduction can readily be limited to make it much more powerful. Limiting a transducer to either being able to convert or emit just one form of energy is a strong limitation (either adding +2 CS to the power rank or reducing its cost by 4), while limiting the transducer to being able to convert and emit just one form of energy is an extreme limitation (either adding +4 CS to the power rank or reducing its cost by 8).
Vibration Control
Type: Energy Control Power
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank
Related Powers: dimensional transit, inaudibility, sound control, super speed, vibration generation.
The ability to manipulate existing vibrational energy in the environment, vibration control allows its wielder a large array of tricks with which to befuddle his or her enemies. While the power cannot actually generate vibrations, per se, this form of energy is so prevalent in the world that almost anything can create a source of such that vibration control can use in a variety of fashions.
Vibration control can manipulate extant vibrations within Near distance of its wielder, assuming said wielder can first pass a power ACTION roll against the intensity of ambient vibrations. It can increase the intensity of a vibration up to its own power rank, or reduce it by a like amount, if desired. This alone is great for reducing the damage caused by earthquakes or, alternately, simulating them on the fly.
If the vibrations of a target are manipulated to cause direct harm upon them, this power can inflict up to its power rank in damage. A living target will suffer Metabolic damage from such an act, though he or she is allowed an Endurance (res) ACTION to resist the effect. Unliving targets can be affected automatically, and must pass an MS ACTION against this power rank to retain their structural integrity.
Ambient vibrational energy can also be redirected from its source to any other target. This allows the wielder of vibration control to simulate a resistance to both sound and vibration with power rank ability, by shunting such around oneself, as well as the use of vibration-based distance attacks. These inflict up to power rank Force damage with each application, though they may be dodged by their would-be target.
While vibration control cannot finely control sound energies, save for shunting them away from oneself, it can be used to stop individuals from talking or a stereo from functioning, doing so by preventing the larynx or speaker from vibrating. Similar techniques can even prevent others from hearing extant sounds, by stopping vibrations within the ear from reaching the auditory nerve in the first place!